A lesson in braiding long hair with elastic bands and along the edges of the hair: in the photo there is a twist braid and a braid with bangs. Babyliss twist secret braiding device French braid twist

  • Thanks for the great views)

         — VALERIYA M.

    I want to say once again a huge thank you to you and your salon. Such attention and care for clients is very pleasant. The Mambo twist turned out very beautiful and did not cause any problems with my hair. I was very afraid that there would be itching and headaches due to wearing the material, but it did not occur. I quickly got used to Kanekalon, I don’t even want to part with it, although 1.5 months have already passed and soon I will need to remove everything. I will definitely come back to you again.

  • Well-groomed braids, uhhh, you can sleep more)))

         — OLGA MORDOVINA

    I was doing a hairstyle for sore, dry hair, which had long needed a break from my experiments with thermal curlers. I matched the Kanekalon color to my hair color, so the braids now look like well-groomed thick braids. It’s convenient to play sports and go to university with them, you even get an extra hour of sleep, because in the morning you already have a ready-made hairstyle on your head. Thanks to the salon masters, now I will recommend it to everyone I know.

  • They are bright and there are many of them

         — NINA VOLNOVA

    This hairstyle is perfect for lovers of long hair and wild volume. I myself did a mambo twist a few months ago and I think I’ll come to the 1KANEKALON salon again in a couple of weeks. The girl who created my hairstyle was just great. She patiently answered all my questions, helped me choose the braids that would suit my clothes, and gave recommendations on how best to wear a twist. Don’t be afraid to ask the stylist about what interests you, also don’t be afraid to show photos of hairstyles you like and ask whether it will look good on you or not. There were no problems with the braids, the only thing was that at first it was unusual to have so much hair, but I quickly got used to it. My advice to you is that if you are trying Kanekalon for the first time, do not use a large amount of shampoo when washing your hair; it is best to dilute it with water, because only the scalp requires washing, and the braids themselves do not get dirty. Basically, you won’t have any problems with your hair; it will always look neat.

  • A truly informal image!

         — VILDETTA IVANOVA

    On the eve of the new performance, it was necessary to create an informal image, so it was urgent to find a solution for the hairstyle, because the head is the calling card of a person. I decided to try weaving with Kanekalon because I wasn’t ready to ruin my hair. Thin braids seemed banal to me, so I settled on mambo twist braids, because they are voluminous and interesting in their weaving. For my hair, I chose alternating dark and light shades of purple, since this color goes well with the dark suits in which I have to appear on stage. I spent a long time in the salon, but I was happy with the employee’s work, because in the next couple of months I didn’t have any problems.

Braiding long hair has many options.

Braiding long hair has many options. We offer you several lessons on braiding long hair with step-by-step photos and detailed instructions. On this page you will learn how to braid using elastic bands, along the edges of the hair and the sliding type of styling. You will be able to appreciate how attractive the twist braid and braided bangs look.

Braiding with elastic bands

Weaving braids with elastic bands allows you to create a neat styling style and ensure excellent hair preservation during the working day. Using thin elastic bands that match your hair, you can simulate braiding. Elastic bands hold soft and loose hair well, which means your hairstyle will last longer.

1. Comb your hair back. Separate a thin strand on the right side and a slightly thicker strand on the left. Tie them with a thin elastic band so that the tail lies at an angle.

2. Separate a thin strand on the left side and a thicker strand on the right. Tie them together with a thin elastic band so that the tail lies at an angle and hides the elastic of the first tail.

3. Repeat steps 1-2. Then separate a section and wrap it around your hair, hiding the elastic of the last ponytail. Secure the strand from the inside of the ponytail.

Braid along the edge of the hair: lesson with photo

This unusual hairstyle will allow you to quickly collect even very long hair. A lesson with photos and step-by-step instructions on this page will help you make a braid along the edge of your hair:

1. Take a strand at the back of your head and divide it into three equal parts.

2. Intertwine the strands once, as for a simple braid: first place the left strand on the central one (now the left strand has become central), then the right one.

3. Each time, add a section of hair to the strand on the right and continue braiding. It is important to take the hair from only one side (in our case, the right).

4. After collecting all the hair, tie the end with an elastic band.

5. Slightly stretch the strands in the braid to make the braid look more airy.

Sliding braid: step by step photo

A sliding braid, or “snake braid,” will help diversify your everyday hairstyle. The following instructions will help you make a sliding braid using a photo with step-by-step instructions:

1. Separate a small strand from the parting to the ear. Secure the rest of the hair with a clip.

2. Divide the strand into three equal parts and braid a simple braid. Do not tighten the braiding too tightly.

3. Holding one of the braid strands, pinch the remaining two with your index finger and thumb.

4. Slide upward along the strand.

5. Lightly pull the strands back, evenly distributing them along the entire length of the hair.

6. Secure the braid with a bobby pin.

Braid twist

The twist braid is a beautiful, neat and original hairstyle for very long hair.

1. Pull your hair into a low ponytail at the side.

2. Tie another elastic band at some distance from the first. Choose the distance arbitrarily, depending on the length of your hair.

3. Divide your hair in half between the elastic bands.

4. Thread the tail into the resulting hole.

5. Tie another elastic band at the same distance as between the first two.

6. Divide your hair in half and thread the ponytail through the hole. Repeat the same along the entire length of your hair.

Braid-bangs and its photo

Braided bangs are a stylish party hairstyle that will help keep long hair away from your face. Look at the photo of the braided bangs and try to do this styling yourself.

Babyliss Twist Secret is an innovative device designed for automatic weaving of braids and strands. After its appearance, a woman will be able to forget about the difficulties of hand-weaving small braids. The device is very easy to use, any representative of the fairer sex, even the smallest one, can cope with it. With its help, you can create a variety of hairstyles, curls and styling.

Who can use Twist Secret?

  • Energetic girl. She strives to always be beautiful, but does not accept spending a lot of time on her hair. Instantly braided braids will make her life easier, making her everyday look irresistible.
  • Young mom. A woman mired in the routine of everyday chores, devoting all her attention to her family and children. She will appreciate the quick way to create a hairstyle using Babyliss Twist Secret. With its help, a young woman will be able to do both everyday and festive hairstyles without resorting to the services of a professional hairdresser. The device can also easily cope with thin children's hair, so mom will give her daughter a chic hairstyle.
  • Business lady. In her image, hairstyle plays an important role. She should always be neat, stylish and strict. The fast pace of life does not allow you to devote enough time to your hair. Therefore, purchasing Twist Secret will make her life easier, allowing her to create an irresistible business hairstyle in 5-10 minutes.
  • Excited student. For her, the most important thing in a hairstyle is beauty. She does not like lengthy styling, values ​​her time, and at the same time wants to look perfect. Babyliss fully meets her requirements. He will help you create a neat hairstyle, showing your imagination and ingenuity.

Women of all ages will enjoy using Babyliss! The device saves not only time, but also money on hairdresser services.

Twist Sikrit - what is it?

Twist Secret is a device for braiding hair. It is created for women who value their time and money. Babyliss will allow you to braid small braids (flagella) quickly and accurately. In the future, they can be styled into any hairstyle that a woman’s imagination is enough to create.

Thanks to such a simple device, at first glance, you can:

  • weave braids with a variety of ribbons, beads and lace;
  • twist plaits of hair;
  • give hair volume;
  • style romantic curls;
  • create daily and evening hairstyles.

Twist Styling is suitable for both thick and thin hair. It can be used to create children's and adult hairstyles.

Babyliss saves time and effort on braiding hair. This labor-intensive activity takes up a large amount of women’s time every day. At the same time, not everyone manages to braid the desired braid the first time. After purchasing Twist Secret you can forget about all the difficulties.


  • easy to use – even the youngest girl can use the device independently. There is only one button on its body, so ease of control is guaranteed;
  • It works quickly - in just a few minutes, the device will braid perfectly even braids. The main thing is to choose the right mode and gently pinch your hair;
  • beautiful result - the braids created by Babyliss look great. To replace one curl, you can insert a bright ribbon into the device. It will be neatly woven into the hair;
  • lightweight and practical - the small parameters of the device allow you to take it with you to work, leisure or study.

Babyliss Twist Secret is a functional and practical device. It will change the way you look at creating hairstyles in general!

Device characteristics

  • made from first-class hypoallergenic materials;
  • runs on two AA batteries;
  • equipped with one switch button with 3 operating modes (creating plaits, stopping rotation, braiding);
  • equipped with built-in clips for secure fixation of hair strands;
  • The weight of the device is small (170 g), so you can take it with you by simply putting it in your bag.

Important! The device must not be connected to the electrical network. It must be stored in a dry place, as excess moisture will lead to premature spoilage.

The Babyliss Twist Secret tw1000e comes with a 2-year warranty. The standard equipment of the device includes 2 AA batteries.

How does it work?

  1. Before using the device, comb your hair thoroughly., dividing them into separate small strands. The ends of one strand are divided into two equal parts and secured with clamps located on the device.
  2. Select the required operating mode. The first mode will allow you to create strands of hair. The degree of their winding depends on the number of revolutions. The woman independently monitors the entire operation of the device, stopping it if necessary.
  3. After creating a plait, you can press the second mode - braiding. The device carefully weaves the strands together, creating a beautiful braid.
  4. When the braid is ready, you can secure it with an elastic band. or other suitable accessory.

Two or more braids are collected into one hairstyle. Its external design depends solely on the woman’s imagination.

Important! Use the clamps of the device carefully. One awkward move can lead to their damage. The clamps lift up easily, so do not apply too much pressure.

Twist Secret works in 2 modes:

  • curling hair clockwise;
  • twisting hair counterclockwise.

The direction of rotation is selected based on the woman’s personal wishes.

What types of styling can be done with Twist Secret?

The creators of Babyliss did not limit its capabilities to simple braids. Of course, this is its main function. However, even with its help you can create a variety of styling to suit every taste.

Curling curls. Wet your hair and divide it into two equal halves. Braid each one using Babyliss. Secure the braids so that they cannot unravel arbitrarily. Leave them in this position for at least 6 hours. Next, undo the braids without combing. They will be divided into romantic curls.

Everyday hairstyle. Comb your hair, take small strands from the front side at both ends. Weave them into flagella using Twist Secret. Separate the strands using the same method as a regular braid. Hand braid the remaining hair into a large braid. Secure the resulting hairstyle with an elastic band.

Evening styling. Create a regular ponytail by securing your hair high using an elastic band. Using Babylis, create flagella, attaching them to the head one at a time with bobby pins. As a result, you will get a strict but beautiful evening hairstyle.

Romantic styling. Straighten your hair with an iron. Carefully separate the strands on one side, turning them into a braid. Fasten the free end of the resulting braid to the other side of your head. To get a more elegant result, you can replace one curl with a colored ribbon.

There are quite a lot of options for hairstyles and styling that you can create with Babyliss Twist Secret. They do not limit a woman’s imagination, allowing her to come up with something new, different from standard ideas.

In this article we will tell you how to braid your own twist braid. It is suitable for both long and short hair. Only in our case it will have a twist - it will combine a mermaid braid and a vertical waterfall braid. If you've never combined them before, now is the time to try it. Look at the photo and video tutorial - the result is stunning!

What do we need: hairspray, elastic band.
Weaving time: 5 minutes.
Difficulty level: average.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. comb the curls and make a parting in the middle (you can comb it back and not part it),
  2. take one strand from the top of your head and divide it in half,
  3. move the left half to the right,
  4. then grab another strand from the left side and place it between two twist strands,
  5. move the left one to the right again (this will create a swirl in the center),
  6. on the right side, grab a strand of hair and place it between two twist strands,
  7. move the left one again to the right one, creating another swirl,
  8. repeat steps 4-7 until the end of weaving (to avoid it being too tight, do not tighten it too much),
  9. when the twist braid is ready, it should be straightened, tied with an elastic band and (if desired) secured with hairspray,
  10. the image will be more gentle and romantic if you pull out a few thin strands in front near the face.