Why do men wear kilts in Scotland? Scottish Skirt for Men Kilt Pants.

A skirt is an invariable part of any fashionista's wardrobe. However, this term is general. It refers to any clothing that goes around the waist and covers the lower part of the body. The length of the skirts may vary. It all depends on existing traditions and fashion trends. Typically, models are designed to be either cylindrical or conical in shape. This characteristic allows this wardrobe item to be very comfortable and versatile. can come in a huge variety of materials, colors and styles.

The idea that such clothing is part of only a woman's wardrobe is most common in modern society. However, in some countries, men also wear skirts.


The origins of the appearance of trousers lie in an ordinary skirt. For many thousands of years, all men and women were dressed in comfortable and practical clothing. Their wardrobe contained skirts and raincoats. Trousers appeared much later. It is believed that pants made of leather came to Europe around five hundred years BC. The Gauls, as well as the Germans, appreciated this clothing. It was very convenient for riders. However, for quite a long period, “barbarian clothing” was prohibited in Rome, the leading civilization of the ancient world. Nowadays everything has changed. However, along with pants, Scottish men still wear a skirt.

Ancient traditions

The men's Scottish skirt is a traditional item of clothing for the Highlanders. What is she? This is a piece of fabric that is wrapped around the waist and secured to it with buckles and straps.

What is the name that men wear? This wardrobe item can be of several types. That is why it has different names.

Clothing of the ancient highlanders

The Scottish skirt for men gets its name from the Old Norse word "kjilt". Translated, it means “folded.”

What is the name of the Scottish skirt? Translated into Russian, the traditional wardrobe item of the Scottish highlanders has two varieties. What is the name of the Scottish skirt that was worn in the old days? In ancient times, this item of clothing was a very bulky garment. It was called the “big kilt”. Such a skirt, which was a large piece of fabric, was wrapped from the very top of the head to the knees. It is believed that similar robes were worn by the Vikings on military campaigns. The Scottish men's skirt, whose name is a large kilt, perfectly retained warmth in cold weather. The main reason that the Scottish highlanders chose this particular costume for themselves lies in the rainy climate of the country. The big kilt dried quickly. In addition, at campsites during a hike it could easily be turned into a blanket.

Another reason for the popularity of this type of clothing lies in the mountainous terrain of Upper Scotland. The large kilt gave maximum freedom of movement, in addition, during an attack it could be easily thrown off.

Modern models

What is the name of the Scottish skirt for men that is common today? Much later than the large kilt, the small kilt appeared. It is believed that it originated from the British in 1725. It was then that the manager of a steel mill suggested cutting off the upper part of the kilt. This made it possible to make this wardrobe item as comfortable as possible. The small kilt is much smaller in size than the large one. That's why it looks like a skirt.

Distribution of the kilt

Despite the fact that Scottish highlanders have long preferred to wear such a costume, it was recognized as an element of national culture only in the mid-19th century. It was then that the kilt became popular among the country's nobility and intelligentsia. Somewhat later, the lowland inhabitants of Scotland adopted this clothing. In addition, the kilt became an integral part of the wardrobe of the Irish, Welsh, and men. Representatives of the Scottish diaspora abroad also began to wear such a costume.

Material used

What is the name of the fabric for sewing a kilt? The Scottish men's skirt is made from a special woolen material. It is called tartan. This fabric is produced with lines of different widths and colors that intersect at different angles.

In earlier times, the pattern on the material from which skirts were made was different for each clan and made it possible to identify a stranger. Tartan also indicated a person’s social position. If there was only one color on the fabric, then the kilt belonged to a servant; if there were two, then it belonged to a farmer. Three shades could only be on the clothes of an officer, five - a military leader, six - a poet, and seven - a leader. Currently, the industry produces about seven hundred different tartan designs.

Modern trend in fashion

Today, the kilt is experiencing a kind of surge in popularity. Jean-Paul Gaultier remembered skirts for men. Some famous fashion houses began to produce kilts, breaking the imposed stereotypes. Not long ago, the Levi's brand began producing denim men's skirts.


Unlike traditional women's skirts, the kilt has a very simple design. This piece of men's wardrobe is made from one strip of fabric, the width of which is seventy centimeters and the length from two to eight yards. The middle of the material is collected into an accordion. As a result, the length of the cut should be reduced to a size equal to one and a half turns around the customer’s waist. It is worth considering that there should be a flat area on each side of the fabric. When putting on a kilt, the folds are placed at the back. Straight sections of fabric are placed on top of each other in front, resulting in a so-called apron (apron).


There are four essential items that must be worn with a kilt. Leg warmers must be worn with a men's Scottish skirt. A beret, sewn from the same fabric as the kilt itself, should also be present. Another must-have accessory is the kiltpin. This item is shaped like a sword and would traditionally be decorated with Celtic runes.

A purse bag is hung on the front of the kilt. It is usually made of leather and then decorated with fur, fringe or metal. Under the weight of this bag, the kilt skirt remains as static as possible in strong winds or when walking.

The kilt is an item of men's clothing, which is considered the national clothing of the inhabitants of the highlands of Scotland. Kilts come in two types, large and small. A kilt is a piece of material that is wrapped around the torso and secured with straps and buckles. Traditionally, the skirt is worn with a small bag for money and other small items (sporran).

The kilt is made from tartan, a woolen fabric in a traditional Scottish print, checkered (in Russia this material is called “tartan”). A large kilt is a long piece of tartan that can be worn over the shoulder or covered up in cold weather.

A small kilt is a lightweight version without a top, which is more like a skirt.

Why do Scots wear skirts?

In appearance, this item really resembles a skirt, but it’s correct to say it’s a kilt. The first descriptions of a kilt appeared back in 1594. In Scotland, especially in the mountainous part, with its rainy, humid climate, a large, warm blanket was simply necessary.

While walking, it did not hinder movements, the drying speed of the fabric was much higher and in the cold it warmed its owner, which cannot be said about pants. During the night, it easily turned into a warm blanket. If maximum freedom of movement was needed in battle, the warriors threw off their kilts and rushed into the attack without clothes.

In a village called Nigg, there is a stone depicting a man in a kilt, dating from the 17th century. Previously, a bishop named Leslie, in letters to the Pope, stated that their clothes were comfortable and suitable for battles. All capes are the same type. It is worth noting that at first, only the inhabitants of the highlands preferred kilts rather than trousers.

The skirt - kilt in Scotland, is a symbol of freedom, courage and bravery of real highlanders. History helps us understand why the Scots fell in love with the kilt. True mountaineers carry a knife behind their right stocking; if it is in the front, it means a declaration of war.

At the beginning of the 17th century, the Scots used a dagger, which was carried in the left sleeve under the arm. According to tradition, weapons had to be always in sight when visiting, so the highlanders transferred the dagger from a secret pocket to the garter of their golf course.

What kind of skirt did the Scots of different clans wear? It must be said that each clan had its own color and design on the tartan. The lines on it could intersect at different angles, and the width of the lines themselves was different, so by the appearance of the fabric, it was easy to unmistakably identify an alien.

By the number of colors on the tartan one could find out what position a particular person occupies in society. For example: one color for a servant, two colors for a farmer, three colors for an officer, five colors for a military leader, six colors for a poet, seven colors for a leader.

Today there are approximately seven hundred different tartan designs, despite the fact that most of the designs have sunk into oblivion, back to the ancient times when it was forbidden to wear kilts.

In the 17th century, the English authorities banned the wearing of a kilt, because it showed the stubbornness and tough character of the highlanders, and tried to introduce trousers into their wardrobe. But the brave, proud Highlanders (mountain people) did not obey and proudly wore the kilt.

The small kilt originated around 1725. The manager of one of the factories, for the convenience of workers, suggested removing the upper part of the kilt and leaving only the lower one. In order to determine the required length of the kilt, the owner squatted down and the hanging edge of the fabric that was in contact with the floor was cut off.

Despite the fact that the kilt is considered the traditional clothing of Scotland and is part of their culture, it became a national clothing not so long ago.

Around the middle of the 19th century. The kilt became popular among the Scottish intelligentsia and nobility, and was later adopted by the rest of the population of Scotland, as well as the Scottish diaspora abroad.

A modern tartan takes from three to eight yards of tartan, but there are also trendy kilts made from other types of fabric. There are two main ways to pleat tartans. Made from dense, heavy wool, they hardly wrinkle and serve their owners for a long time.

Why do Scottish men wear kilts today, when there are no harsh everyday life? The thing is that independence was very difficult for the Scots at one time. Wearing a tartan is an elementary tribute to tradition, and a memory of the great exploits of one’s ancestors.

Of course, men wear conventional clothing these days, but about nine out of ten men wear a tartan kilt on their wedding day. In Scotland, in some institutions, a mandatory dress code has been introduced, the main element of which is the kilt.

When you mention Scotland or its culture, many people think of a man in a knee-length plaid skirt, which is considered a traditional version of a men's suit. And this is not surprising. Today, a Scottish skirt for men is a garment with its own history, varieties and a whole set of additional, traditionally used accessories. The checkered outfit has managed to go from being an everyday item of clothing to a national symbol of courage and bravery.

What does it represent?

A skirt for men, called a kilt, is exclusively a men's wardrobe item in Scotland. But it cannot be called in the literal sense of the word a skirt that women are used to wearing. In addition, the outfit that can be seen on modern men - the so-called “small kilt” - is not entirely identical to its historical prototype. While the “big kilt” worn by the first highlanders was a piece of fabric (or two, but sewn together) about 1.5 m wide and 4.5-7.5 m long. When dressed, it covered not only the hips, but it was also wrapped around the upper body, becoming a kind of cloak that could protect from wind and rain.

Putting it on was a rather complex ritual. Already in the 18th century. Among workers, a “lighter” version without an upper part - a small kilt - became more popular. The initiator of its appearance is considered to be the manager of the steel plant, Rawlinson, who suggested getting rid of the “extra” piece of fabric that was interfering with the work. The exact length was determined taking into account the man's height: in a squatting position, the edge of the skirt touching the ground was cut off. This option turned out to be more comfortable to wear and has survived to this day.

History of appearance

The first written mention of the Scottish skirt dates back to 1594. Records from the time describe a speckled, multi-colored garment for men with many pleats, which was secured at the waist with a belt. Its name is related to the Scottish word "kilt", which translates as "to wrap clothing around the body." The Scots themselves borrowed the word from the Vikings: “kjilt” is translated from Old Norse as “folded”.

For its manufacture, tartan was used - a special woolen fabric with intersecting lines of different colors and thicknesses. They formed a unique pattern, which made it possible to determine which clan the wearer belonged to.

The number of colors used was also used to judge the social status of men:

  • one is a servant;
  • two – farmer;
  • three - officer;
  • five - military leader;
  • six - poet;
  • seven - leader.

Previously, only natural dyes existed for dyeing tartan: blueberry juice for blue, alder bark for black, lichen for red, seaweed for brown, etc. Thus, the color of the fabric directly depended on the plant world at the place of its manufacture, which was another a way to find out where a person came from.

Why do Scottish men prefer skirts?

The so-called skirt called a kilt was originally the clothing of not all men in Scotland (Highlands), but of the Highlanders or Highlanders. This outfit turned out to be very suitable for mountainous areas and rainy climates, where trouser legs quickly got wet. On the one hand, it warmed the owner and could be used as a blanket at any time, on the other hand, it dried quickly and provided freedom of movement. The last fact was especially important to the mountaineers, if we remember their warlike nature and constant conflicts with their participation.

If necessary, during a battle you could throw off the blanket and fight in just your shirt, and at the end of the battle you could warm up and fall asleep under a warm piece of fabric. For example, in August 1645, during the battle of Kilsyth, the Scots managed to defeat an enemy twice their number. Throwing off their kilts, the highlanders delivered the main blow to the central position and then completely defeated the enemy wearing only their shirts.

Symbol of freedom

In the 18th century, when the Scots were defeated in one of the battles with the English and lost their independence, the English authorities introduced many prohibitions for new subjects, including wearing a kilt and other items of highland clothing. In addition, it was forbidden to use tartan even for making blankets or outerwear. Otherwise, the Scots faced severe penalties: for the first violation - a prison term of 6 months, for a second violation - deportation to the colonies for 7 years.

But even the threat of punishment did not stop the stubborn highlanders: they continued to wear their usual checkered outfit, and began to wear the trousers offered by the British on a stick raised up. Thus, a kilt is not just the name of a Scottish skirt, but also a symbol of the freedom-loving and stubbornness of the people of Scotland. Over time, this version of the costume began to be worn not only by the highlanders, but also by residents of the lowland areas of the country, representatives of the nobility, as well as the Irish, Welsh and the male population of the island. Maine.

Necessary accessories

One of the interesting details associated with the kilt is the question of the accessories used. The required minimum includes:

  • Khosas are traditional knee-length woolen leg warmers that kept men warm in cold weather.
  • Sporran is a small purse made from leather. Under its weight, the kilt does not rise when walking or strong winds. In addition, you can store small items in it, since there are no other pockets in clothes.
  • Kiltpin is a pin-pin (traditionally in the shape of a sword) to weigh down the edge of a skirt so that it does not rise in the wind. It was considered an ornament to an outfit, so it was often decorated with precious stones and rune patterns.
  • Skin-doo is a dagger that was hidden in a hosa. The name is translated from Gaelic as “black dagger,” which refers to the material used. In modern outfits, this element is often dispensed with.

At the same time, the most piquant issue remains the issue of wearing underwear under a man’s skirt, because, as you know, real highlanders did not recognize it. This tradition in Scotland has been passed down from generation to generation. But soldiers in “skirts” were forbidden to go up to the second floor of buses, so as not to cause embarrassment to the women present on the transport. Only recently has the Scottish Tartan Authority called on men to wear underwear, at least for hygienic purposes.

Women's clothing

Almost everyone has heard about the men's skirt in Scotland, but few people know how women dress in this country. The fact is that, unlike the extraordinary national costume for men, the version for women did not have any unexpected elements and were quite traditional for their time.

The outfit consisted of the following details:

  • Cotton bottom and top dresses. The latter had the colors characteristic of the clan.
  • A classic apron (usually wool), decorated with a pattern or border.
  • Belt and cape fastened at the neck.
  • A headdress that was considered a mandatory element of clothing for married ladies.
  • Shoes, which were made of rough leather and differed from men's only in size.

The tartan skirt worn by Scottish men is called a kilt. People from Scotland are proud of their kilts, wearing a tartan skirt on all holidays. A completely traditional costume consists of a skirt, jacket, leather bag, shoes and knife.

In Scotland, the national costume represents the desire for freedom and the feats performed by our intrepid ancestors. The modern version of the traditional suit is not cheap - over £500 - but centuries-old traditions dictate that a true Scottish groom wear ancient attire to marry.

History of the plaid skirt

A skirt made of tartan fabric appeared in the highlands of Scotland back in the 16th century. Until the mid-18th century, this version of the skirt was called the “large kilt.” In fact, it was a wide piece of checkered woolen fabric, a real blanket that could be wrapped around the body while sleeping. The clothes dried quickly and did not interfere with walking. Since Scotland is damp and the area is replete with swamps, a comfortable and warm blanket saved the traveler from freezing and catching a cold. If wars happened, the large kilt was thrown to the ground and did not interfere in battle.

The word kilt is translated from Old Norse as “folded.” The Scottish Highlander had the upper parts of a piece of fabric on his shoulders, and the material was tightened around the waist with a belt. The upper part of the kilt got in the way a little when working in the woodworking industry.

A successful entrepreneur from Lancashire named Thomas Rawlinson solved this problem. In 1720, he suggested that his workers shorten the skirt by cutting off the cape so that the skirt would not touch the ground. Since then, the kilt has acquired the appearance of a “small kilt,” which remains traditional and unchanged to this day.

For almost 40 years in the 18th century, the kilt was banned by the English king. Punishment for participation in the Jacobite uprising was only abolished in 1822. Since then, the skirt has returned to Scottish families as a national symbol. The kilt is worn not only by the Scots, but also by the inhabitants of the Isle of Man. This distinguishes them from the British. The Welsh and Irish also wear a small kilt.

Since ancient times, the skirt has been made from natural wool, a fabric called tartan. To dye tartan, residents of mountain settlements used berries, leaves and roots, and other natural dyes.

The coloring depended on the colors of the clan to which the highlander man belonged. By the pattern on the skirt one could immediately recognize whether he was a friend or a stranger, as well as the social status of a Highlander.

Skirts in one color and with a simple pattern were worn by servants, two-colored by peasants. Officers wore three-colored skirts, poets wore six-colored skirts, and seven colors denoted the clan leader. He inherited from his father the colors of the flag and all the significant attributes of clan affiliation.

The famous Jean-Paul Gaultier became the fashion designer who used a men's wool skirt as part of his fashion image. Levi's continued the initiative by developing a batch of men's denim skirts.

Tartan is now available in more than 500 color combinations for sewing Scottish skirts. The classic colors are those of the predominant clans in Scotland. Red with black, blue with purple and green, black with white and gray - these are the combinations.


The tartan skirt, which unites men's and women's lines in fashionable clothing, is made from a strip of fabric no more than 70 cm wide. Its length ranges from 2 to 8 yards. After gathering with folds, the length of the piece is already one and a half times the length of the waist circumference. The fabric is distributed symmetrically across the width so that equal sections remain on both sides.


The bright appearance and classic colors have attracted the attention of women's fashion designers. This was the reason that the tartan skirt became the number one fashion item in the women's wardrobe.

The main criterion for choosing a Scottish skirt, along with the style and color, should be the length. A Scottish skirt can cover the knees or be long, mini or maxi. The plaid skirt itself is a bright dominant feature in any suit.

How to choose

A plaid skirt suits all women, regardless of age and body type. Young and slender ladies can use bolder colors, with more red and green. Older ladies should opt for soft, muted and soft shades. They are suitable for classic silhouettes and length below the knee, which is preferable in this case.

Stylish styles

The Scottish skirt as a piece of women's clothing has become indispensable due to its convenience and simplicity of cut. The skirt is quite extravagant and attracts attention, dominating any ensemble.

As a rule, a tartan skirt is sewn in the shape of a cone or cylinder. The images of a schoolgirl or teacher have long been no longer associated with a pleated short skirt made of tartan fabric.

Today, the tartan skirt is a classic motif in women's clothing. The shades can be the same as in men's skirts. Pure wool tartan is distributed using even and smooth folds. One or two decorative fasteners are located on the side of the skirt. The smell remains an invariable characteristic element of the cut; sometimes a skirt with a yoke is found. All Scottish style skirts are gathered at the waist. A thin or wider strap is usually worn on top.

Color spectrum

The main color that is present in most skirt models is red and red-brown. Only it creates a unique feeling of celebration inherent in a tartan skirt. The range of other colors that go with it is extensive. The principle of contrast remains the main one.


Black accessories and tops often appear in ensembles using red and black tartan. A matching black bag and coat complete the stylish ensemble. Boots of various lengths, ankle boots or shoes with thick heels also look beautiful in it.

Length and style

The average length of a tartan skirt is about 50 cm. Considering the versatility of the skirt and its demand in the fashion market, there can be quite a lot of options. The material is wool, silk, cotton, polyester.

The Scottish woman has long stepped over the boundaries of the traditional perception of national style, giving impetus to the development of new ideas in clothing design.


College and preppy styles continue to enjoy well-deserved success. The shortened model of a checkered skirt comes first in creating an ensemble for a student girl.

Usually a stylish miniskirt is made with a lot of folds or pleating, it looks full. The silhouette can be complemented with a smooth top in the form of a turtleneck or blouse. A short jacket or vest also goes well with a Scottish skirt.

For young girls, Jane style shoes, knee socks and stockings are in fashion. Sneakers have been replaced by sneakers, which are also worn with a checkered skirt. Sports sneakers fit surprisingly harmoniously into a set consisting of a leather jacket and a wool tartan skirt.

In the cold season, thick tights, usually black or maroon, brown or gray with a diamond pattern, will go under a thick skirt made of natural wool. You can increase the number of different elements of a suit by using hand-knitted sweaters, comfortable and soft shirts and denim jackets.

Below knee and maxi

The below-knee length skirt looks like the hallmark of this style. Even the plumpest fashionistas can afford to wear a not too flared skirt made of checkered fabric. Plaid fabric is used to make styles that surprise you with their variety. This is a half-sun skirt, a straight skirt, and a bell skirt.

A long pleated skirt is suitable both for visiting the office and for visiting or walking. Discreet and dark skirts are combined with light tops, collared blouses and shirts.

They wear tight-fitting sweaters without a pattern with a tartan skirt; suede jackets, patch pockets and other accessories in the form of a handbag and hat look very stylish.

It is no longer news that the Kilt is the national symbol of Scotland, worn by men. Yes, yes, men in skirts are not such a wild thing, and in Scotland they are also a source of pride. Let's look at why the Scots wear skirts and what is the secret of such a twist.

Courage and independence

Every nation, every state and society has its own characteristics, traditions and national symbols; in Scotland, the kilt - a skirt for men - is considered such a highlight. The product personifies and symbolizes incredible courage, heroic strength, unshakable courage and stubbornness of true warriors, as well as the omnipotence of a Man with a capital M. This item is popular mainly among the highlanders, but no one is forbidden if any Scotsman likes the kilt, and what man doesn’t want to be the standard of strength and independence?

History of the men's skirt

The seventh century was very difficult for the Scottish highlanders - war between clans and an endless struggle for power and territory. It was then that the kilt was born - a men's skirt made of almost one and a half meters of fabric, which is wrapped around the waist and secured with special fasteners and belts, which warriors loved so much. A kind of universal cape.

A prerequisite is only checkered fabric. The kilt turned out to be a very practical and convenient product when fighting men had to spend a lot of time on hikes and battles - the thing did not restrict movement, dried quickly and retained heat, allowed it to easily climb to heights, and during rest it could be covered with fabric, replacing it with a blanket . Given the high humidity of the climate, it was difficult to come up with the most comfortable thing. This is if we talk about a large kilt, the size of which allowed you to wrap your whole body, if necessary. And nothing prevented him from quickly getting rid of the cape in battle. Very practical. What is significant is that each clan had its own “pattern” of material, which made it possible to instantly determine whether a man belonged to a particular clan.

A small kilt is an equally convenient and popular thing that has migrated into the twenty-first century. A familiar and well-known skirt in the world is of a more modest size and covers only the hips and legs to the knees. It became popular only in the 18th century and has not left the pedestal to this day. The advantage of a small kilt is that it is more comfortable and is practically not felt on the body - it does not interfere with the waist, it is very practical for any physical activity, and the thing itself is very warm, since it is traditionally created from a woolen material called tartan - for Russians It is more common to call such fabric “tartan”. That is why the skirt over time gained popularity not only among the highlanders, but also among ordinary workers, and later - ordinary citizens of Scotland and even the nobility.

Why is the kilt considered a symbol of independence and freedom?

Back in the 18th century, the English government deprived Scotland of independence and tried to impose its own rules and prohibitions on the Scottish people, mandatory among which was the rejection of “feminine” kilts and the forced wearing of trousers. The people were outraged by such demands and started a riot - residents dressed in kilts as a matter of principle, and defiantly pulled their pants over a stick, moving with the “construction” through the streets.

The government tried to stop such freedom and disobedience with the threat of imprisonment for a period of six months, and for a repeated violation - with a link to seven years, but the number of protesters was incredibly large, so this method of punishment had to be abandoned - you can’t imprison absolutely the entire people. The Scottish nobility did not remain indifferent to what was happening and showed their solidarity with the common people - as a sign of this, the highest circles also dressed in plaid skirts. It was these events that dubbed the kilt a symbol of independence.

In the age of technology and progress

Turning to the traditions that are most famous and do not lose ground in Scotland today, it is important to note that Scottish women are no longer common on the streets. Modern men are increasingly turning to classic trousers when it comes to everyday life and the everyday bustle. Men are no longer required to fight and survive in harsh natural conditions, so it is much more practical and convenient to resort to the use of modern and lightweight wardrobe items. Regarding the kilt, the clothing has rightfully won the title of festive and ceremonial attire, national pride and symbol of freedom.

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity wear kilts on national holidays, weddings, family celebrations, etc. Clothes are considered formal and casual, although there is a small nuance - men do not wear underwear under their kilts, explaining this by preserving ancient traditions, because when the attire was born, the concept of “underwear” simply did not exist yet.

We looked at why Scottish men have preferred the kilt for a long time, as well as what meaning this symbol of the state carries. Remember that in addition to the kilt in Scotland, you should definitely pay attention to:

– rich culture of the people

– incredibly beautiful nature and sights

– famous watches and chocolate

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