Masquerade costumes from scrap materials. Firefighter fashion DIY children's carnival costume

Anna Penkova

That was the name of our performance at the festival "Safety through the eyes of children." It was precisely this unconventional genre (and why not, because everything unusual leaves the most vivid memories) that we proposed as an option for promoting fire safety rules. The costumes were sewn especially for this performance by the parents, there was a lot of debate about what this or that character should look like. K Unfortunately, photographs from the performance have not survived; all the photographs presented here were taken later in kindergarten.


And on vacation, I must admit,

We love to dress up.

And they decided to all the people

Show fireman fashion.

Music plays, a girl dressed as a match comes out, walks around in a circle, then comes out with a fake box of matches in her hands.

This is a small match

Admire what it's like

Slender, like all the sisters,

And a big head.

For fun, for play,

Don't pick up matches.

A box of matches is even small,

But it can do a lot of evil.

The "match" girl with the box leaves the stage.

A girl in a “fire” costume comes out and walks around the stage, simultaneously making sharp movements with her arms away from her, up and left and right.

Look at me -

You can’t live without fire!

Bright, colorful outfit -

It will please your eyes.

But even the little one is a sparkle

Not far from the fire.

A girl in a fire costume stops in the center of the stage and dances. A boy in a “smoke” costume comes out, walks around the girl, making sweeping, smooth movements with his arms, and stops behind her back.

The fire is getting big

With it comes gray smoke,

Caustic and prickly,

Bitter and creeping.

"Smoke" and "fire", continuing to dance, leave the stage.

A girl in a “droplet” costume runs out, spins, and dances.

And the droplet is a beauty

Of course you'll like it.

Shines, shimmers,

Always smiles at everyone.

Our drop is small,

But how much benefit it brought!

If he calls his sisters,

Then any fire will flood!

"Droplet" runs away, and a boy in a fireman's suit comes out in front.

In a strong battle,

In a white helmet,

In frost, heat and rain.

This costume is

For the bravest,

Any fire is not dangerous in it.

The music stops

Boy in a firefighter costume:

And with a hot flame,

And with a greedy flame

Not everyone is given the opportunity to fight in life.

I'll be a fireman

To the brave firefighters,

And I decided this for myself a long time ago!

The introduction to the song sounds, all participants come out, join hands and raise them up. A girl comes out and sings, while the rest of the participants shake their clasped hands:

We give you smiles from the bottom of our hearts

And we want it never.

Grief has not found a way into your home,

Trouble did not touch you.

Let the fires not be scary,

They will bypass you.

Only the fire of the soul will be with you,

Fire of life and love.

A pleasant event unexpectedly appeared - a masquerade ball! You don’t have the time or money to order from a tailor shop or run around the shops looking for original costumes! What to do?! Well, firstly, calm down, secondly, remember that we can do everything with our own hands and thirdly, look around. What do we always have a lot of at home? Right! Plastic bottles, newspapers, garbage bags, boxes. From this we will make the most original carnival costume with our own hands.

From plastic bottles

Mermaid or kikimora

The most beautiful place in a plastic bottle is the bottom. We cut a lot of them at once. They will decorate the hem of the dress, the bodice, and you can use them to glue together an original crown. For a mermaid or kikimora costume we will need green bottles.

After cutting off the bottoms, you still need to cut off the necks, and then carefully and evenly cut the rest of the bottle lengthwise into three equal parts. Burn small holes in the narrow part and gather them on a cord into a garland, which will become a skirt. Glue, sew or staple the bottoms along the edge of the skirt.

It is better to make the bodice of the dress by covering an old T-shirt with green plastic parts. But the crown can be assembled from lush feathers cut from bottles and attached to a hoop or ribbon.

Princess of Flowers

The standing skirt for this costume is made from a wire frame. Any thin fabric can be stretched over it. This is where the difficulties end and the creative part begins. Cut petals from bottles of different colors, collect them into flowers and attach them to the skirt. Cut half-liter bottles in a spiral and attach the “serpentine” to the skirt.

A boy's costume can be made from scrap materials by simply tying two plastic bottles together and attaching them upside down to the astronaut's back using straps. To make our jetpack functional, glue red-orange patches simulating fire into the necks with your own hands.

Helmet, hat, crown

The largest plastic bottles are simply specially produced in order to make various headdresses from them for a hero, an alien, a king, a gentleman, a puss in boots, etc.

If a little boy asks his parents to sew a children's firefighter costume, it means that he was raised correctly! The child has a clear desire to save people’s lives, to do good, to be a brave, strong and confident person. You should definitely support his interest and create an appropriate image for him for the next event.

What is it?

A children's firefighter suit consists of several main components:

  1. The main part of combat clothing is a one-piece jumpsuit. It is recommended that it be red, yellow or brown. These shades will create the most realistic image.
  2. Stripes are reflected on the trousers and sleeves, with the help of which the employee can be easily seen in the dark.
  3. He has high rubber boots on his feet.
  4. The hands are clad in long impenetrable gloves.
  5. The distinctive component of a firefighter is a helmet and a gas mask. They will help protect your head and respiratory organs during work.

We should also talk about the weapon, which should be in the hands of a person. First of all, this is a fire extinguisher and a fire hydrant. He will also need a hammer, a crowbar and a nail puller. All these devices will help him get into the building.

What will it take to create the image?

You can create a firefighter costume (for children) with your own hands from a minimal set of materials, which every housewife probably has at home.

To do this you will need the following:

  1. white paper for sketching;
  2. thick cardboard;
  3. bright markers, pencils and ruler;
  4. thick fabric;
  5. scissors;
  6. threads;
  7. shiny and phosphorus-containing material that glows in the dark;
  8. colored paper;
  9. old CDs;
  10. stickers with various logos.

All these components will allow you to create a realistic children's firefighter costume for a boy.

Preparing for the main job

Before you create a children's firefighter costume with your own hands, you need to carefully prepare for this process. First you need to imagine what the suit will look like in reality and what it will be made of. It is recommended to make it from a dense, shiny material. The child will feel comfortable and comfortable in it. It will also bring the image as close to realism as possible.

Next, you should draw on thick paper what the future firefighter suit for children will look like. The pattern should represent a single design. If you don’t want to cut a complete design, you can create a combination of one-piece overalls and a jacket.

Costume creation process

The entire process of creating a costume can be divided into several main parts:

  1. On a sheet of cardboard or directly on the fabric, you should draw the silhouette of the future suit. It is recommended to trace the baby’s sweater and pants for this. It is also necessary to leave a small margin for the seam.
  2. Next, you should carefully redraw the layout onto fabric (if it was drawn on cardboard) and cut out the future firefighter costume for children with your own hands. The patterns must then be sewn together using threads.
  3. A phosphor fabric patch should be made on the sleeves and pants.
  4. To make the costume look more realistic, it is additionally recommended to stick discs and logos on it.
  5. Gloves should be sewn in the same way.

The final part of the look will be high boots.

Creating additional accessories

The image of a firefighter will bring real pleasure to a child if he has accessories appropriate for this profession in his hands. First of all, you will need a fire extinguisher with which to put out fires. To do this, you will need a cardboard cylinder, a large plastic bottle or a paper model covered with newspapers. As soon as the structure dries, you should decorate it with red paint. You can also buy a similar product at a toy store. The rest of the equipment can be created in a similar way from thick cardboard, paints and colored paper.

What is required to make a helmet?

A firefighter costume wouldn't look complete without a helmet. To create it you will need:

  1. cardboard, preferably of small thickness;
  2. scissors and paper knife;
  3. paints;
  4. one large balloon;
  5. newspapers or thin paper;
  6. wide tape or glue;
  7. foam rubber

Once everything you need is ready, you can move on to the interesting work of creating a helmet.

The process of creating a helmet

The process of creating a helmet can also be divided into several main stages:

  1. First of all, you should make a base that will determine the future size of the headdress. It can be constructed from foam rubber. However, it will be much easier to do this from a balloon. You should inflate it to such an extent that it is slightly larger than the size of your head.
  2. On top of it, you need to paste a thick layer of paper or newspaper so that you get a dense frame; this can be done with tape or glue.
  3. Once the base is ready, it should be dried and decorated with red paint;
  4. If necessary, seal the collar area with cardboard.
  5. Now all that remains is to cut out the holes for the neck and face with a knife.

The beautiful helmet is almost ready, all that remains is to burst the ball and carefully remove it. Additionally, you can decorate this accessory with paints. Patterns must first be drawn on templates. It is also recommended to cover it with shiny varnish to make it brighter and acquire a rich color.

A children's firefighter costume will bring a lot of positive emotions to your child. He will remember this event for a long time. Of course, you can buy a ready-made costume in a store for holidays, workwear or in a souvenir shop, but it is much cheaper, more interesting and faster to create this product with your own hands with a little helper.

If your child at school or in the garden was given a creative task to make some kind of fire-themed craft, do not rush to get upset and fall into despair. This, although a particularly simple task, is definitely interesting. In addition, the profession of a firefighter is very useful in life. By doing crafts with your son or daughter that are in some way related to the topic of fire safety, you can playfully learn the basic rules for behavior in a dangerous situation. It will also be possible to clearly explain to the child how the fire service works, as well as what needs to be done to prevent such an unpleasant situation. Both boys and girls will be extremely interested in learning more about the work of firefighters, as well as about fire equipment, and, of course, about the large and powerful equipment that is used to extinguish fires.

How to make a fireman out of paper

How to make a fireman costume for a child?

There will most likely be no problems with clothes - any dark overalls will do. The main thing is to make a fireman's helmet correctly. The best material for creating a helmet like a fireman's is cardboard. Firstly, this material is environmentally friendly and clean, and secondly, it is quite easy to work with. And we must not forget that the cost of cardboard definitely plays an important role in the choice of material for a fire helmet.

You will need to take two-millimeter cardboard. In principle, it is possible to have a smaller thickness, but then it will be more difficult to work. You will also need scissors, a paper knife and paint and brushes. You will need foam rubber. By the way, you can use a foam sponge for washing dishes for this. You cannot do without fabric of silver or dark color, but it must have a metallic sheen. A centimeter will be useful for measurements. You will need simple paper and a pencil, and also a plastic bottle for the visor. It is not necessary to do this, but then the stylization will be more complete. Wide silver tape will also come in handy. They make luminescent stripes on the helmet. You will also need thin paper or old newspapers.

How to make a fireman's helmet

First, the head volume for a fireman's helmet is measured, since the product is made individually. Measurements are taken from the back of the head to the forehead, directly along the entire circumference of the skull. You also need to measure the distance from the bottom line of the forehead, that is, from the eyebrows to the center of the parietal part. This will allow you to calculate the height of the helmet.

The next stage is drawing the helmet template on paper

Using a pencil, draw a straight line on a piece of paper equal to the circumference of the child’s head plus 3 centimeters. Next, you need to retreat 2-3 centimeters up and draw a parallel line of a similar size. They need to be cut out and transferred to cardboard in order to make a similar part from it. To cut along the contour on cardboard, it is better to use a stationery knife. The cuts will become smoother, and the process itself will be greatly simplified. After this, you should fasten the ends of the cardboard strip with a stapler or glue, first checking the volume with the size of the baby’s head. The result will be a cardboard ring - this is the basis of the frame of the future fireman's helmet.

Firefighter helmet sketch

Next, a long, isosceles triangle is drawn on paper, its base will be about 1.5-2 centimeters, and the length of each side is equal to the height of the helmet. It was measured and calculated earlier - this is the distance from the eyebrows to the parietal part. And plus 3 centimeters of allowance for this indicator. Thus, you get a narrow, long triangle with 2 equal sides. By the way, the more such triangles you make, the smoother the helmet dome will become.

Paper fire helmets

The template is transferred to cardboard and the required number of parts is cut out. It is easy to calculate: the circumference of the head is divided by the base of the triangle. This will form the body of the helmet.

Paper fire truck

Putting it together into one whole

The triangles obtained earlier are glued to the frame, and a blank similar to a crown is obtained. After this, the dome should be assembled. The task, of course, is long and painstaking. The triangles previously glued to the frame should be bent into a dome shape, then glued together, as well as in the center. This is how the frame of the future fireman's helmet will be formed. After this, you need to let the paper blank dry. The main part of the headdress for the little firefighter is already ready. After that, it is decorated, and a visor is cut out of the bottle.

Assembled paper fire truck models

For a child to play the role of a fireman at a carnival or matinee, you can make him a fireman's helmet. To do this you will need paper and appropriate tools. Many children are interested in fire topics, so this will be interesting for both boys and girls.

Fire themed crafts

DIY fire truck

Fire themed crafts

DIY children's firefighter costume

If a little boy asks his parents to sew a children's firefighter costume, it means that he was raised correctly! The child has a clear desire to save people’s lives, to do good, to be a brave, strong and confident person. You should definitely support his interest and create an appropriate image for him for the next event.

What is it?

A children's firefighter suit consists of several main components:

  1. The main part of combat clothing is a one-piece jumpsuit. It is recommended that it be red, yellow or brown. These shades will create the most realistic image.
  2. Stripes are reflected on the trousers and sleeves, with the help of which the employee can be easily seen in the dark.
  3. He has high rubber boots on his feet.
  4. The hands are clad in long impenetrable gloves.
  5. The distinctive component of a firefighter is a helmet and a gas mask. They will help protect your head and respiratory organs during work.

We should also talk about the weapon, which should be in the hands of a person. First of all, this is a fire extinguisher and a fire hydrant. He will also need a hammer, a crowbar and a nail puller. All these devices will help him get into the building.

What will it take to create the image?

You can create a firefighter costume (for children) with your own hands from a minimal set of materials, which every housewife probably has at home.

  1. white paper for sketching;
  2. thick cardboard;
  3. bright markers, pencils and ruler;
  4. thick fabric;
  5. scissors;
  6. threads;
  7. shiny and phosphorus-containing material that glows in the dark;
  8. colored paper;
  9. old CDs;
  10. stickers with various logos.

All these components will allow you to create a realistic children's firefighter costume for a boy.

Preparing for the main job

Before you create a children's firefighter costume with your own hands, you need to carefully prepare for this process. First you need to imagine what the suit will look like in reality and what it will be made of. It is recommended to make it from a dense, shiny material. The child will feel comfortable and comfortable in it. It will also bring the image as close to realism as possible.

Next, you should draw on thick paper what the future firefighter suit for children will look like. The pattern should represent a single design. If you don’t want to cut a complete design, you can create a combination of one-piece overalls and a jacket.

Costume creation process

The entire process of creating a costume can be divided into several main parts:

  1. On a sheet of cardboard or directly on the fabric, you should draw the silhouette of the future suit. It is recommended to trace the baby’s sweater and pants for this. It is also necessary to leave a small margin for the seam.
  2. Next, you should carefully redraw the layout onto fabric (if it was drawn on cardboard) and cut out the future firefighter costume for children with your own hands. The patterns must then be sewn together using threads.
  3. A phosphor fabric patch should be made on the sleeves and pants.
  4. To make the costume look more realistic, it is additionally recommended to stick discs and logos on it.
  5. Gloves should be sewn in the same way.

The final part of the look will be high boots.

Creating additional accessories

The image of a firefighter will bring real pleasure to a child if he has accessories appropriate for this profession in his hands. First of all, you will need a fire extinguisher with which to put out fires. To do this, you will need a cardboard cylinder, a large plastic bottle or a paper model covered with newspapers. As soon as the structure dries, you should decorate it with red paint. You can also buy a similar product at a toy store. The rest of the equipment can be created in a similar way from thick cardboard, paints and colored paper.

What is required to make a helmet?

A firefighter costume wouldn't look complete without a helmet. To create it you will need:

  1. cardboard, preferably of small thickness;
  2. scissors and paper knife;
  3. paints;
  4. one large balloon;
  5. newspapers or thin paper;
  6. wide tape or glue;
  7. foam rubber

Once everything you need is ready, you can move on to the interesting work of creating a helmet.

The process of creating a helmet

The process of creating a helmet can also be divided into several main stages:

  1. First of all, you should make a base that will determine the future size of the headdress. It can be constructed from foam rubber. However, it will be much easier to do this from a balloon. You should inflate it to such an extent that it is slightly larger than the size of your head.
  2. On top of it, you need to paste a thick layer of paper or newspaper so that you get a dense frame; this can be done with tape or glue.
  3. Once the base is ready, it should be dried and decorated with red paint;
  4. If necessary, seal the collar area with cardboard.
  5. Now all that remains is to cut out the holes for the neck and face with a knife.

The beautiful helmet is almost ready, all that remains is to burst the ball and carefully remove it. Additionally, you can decorate this accessory with paints. Patterns must first be drawn on templates. It is also recommended to cover it with shiny varnish to make it brighter and acquire a rich color.

A children's firefighter costume will bring a lot of positive emotions to your child. He will remember this event for a long time. Of course, you can buy a ready-made costume in a store for holidays, workwear or in a souvenir shop, but it is much cheaper, more interesting and faster to create this product with your own hands with a little helper.

Fire fashion

Anna Penkova
Fire fashion

"Fire Fashion"- that was the name of our performance at the festival “Safety through the eyes of children”. It was precisely this unconventional genre (and why not, because everything unusual leaves the most vivid memories) that we proposed as an option for promoting fire safety rules. The costumes were sewn especially for this performance by the parents, there was a lot of debate about what this or that character should look like. K Unfortunately, photographs from the performance have not survived; all the photographs presented here were taken later in kindergarten.

And on vacation, I must admit,

We love to dress up.

And they decided to all the people

Show fireman fashion.

Music plays, a girl dressed as a match comes out, walks around in a circle, then comes out with a fake box of matches in her hands.

This is a small match

Slender, like all the sisters,

And a big head.

For fun, for play,

Don't pick up matches.

A box of matches is even small,

But it can do a lot of evil.

The “match” girl with the box leaves the stage.

A girl in a “fire” costume comes out and walks around the stage, simultaneously making sharp movements with her arms away from her, up and left and right.

Look at me -

You can’t live without fire!

Bright, colorful outfit -

It will please your eyes.

But even the little one is a sparkle

Not far from the fire.

A girl in a fire costume stops in the center of the stage and dances. A boy in a “smoke” costume comes out, walks around the girl, making sweeping, smooth movements with his arms, and stops behind her back.

The fire is getting big

With it comes gray smoke,

Caustic and prickly,

Bitter and creeping.

"Smoke" and "fire", continuing to dance, leave the stage.

A girl in a “droplet” costume runs out, spins, and dances.

And the droplet is a beauty

Of course you'll like it.

Always smiles at everyone.

Our drop is small,

But how much benefit it brought!

If he calls his sisters,

Then any fire will flood!

“Droplet” runs away, and a boy in a fireman’s costume comes out at a marching pace.

In a strong battle,

In frost, heat and rain.

For the bravest,

Any fire is not dangerous in it.

Boy in a firefighter costume:

And with a hot flame,

And with a greedy flame

Not everyone is given the opportunity to fight in life.

I'll be a fireman

And I decided this for myself a long time ago!

The introduction to the song sounds, all participants come out, join hands and raise them up. A girl comes out and sings, while the rest of the participants shake their clasped hands:

We give you smiles from the bottom of our hearts

And we want it never.

Grief has not found a way into your home,

Trouble did not touch you.

Let the fires not be scary,

They will bypass you.

Only the fire of the soul will be with you,

Fire of life and love.

Lesson on speech development and familiarization with the environment. This lesson is not difficult to carry out and can be helpful for young professionals. The material is minimal, and the topic is covered well. Abstract.

How to sew a firefighter costume for a boy with your own hands?

if your child has decided that he will be a fireman at a New Year's party or birthday party, do not be alarmed, but rather praise him :) There is practically no need to sew such a costume :) Everything can be bought and decorated :)

And so we need a red helmet, you can buy it at a clothing store. If there is no helmet of the style and size you need, then finding a red construction helmet is definitely not a problem, anyway, no one knows what a real firefighter looks like :)

We buy a red sweatshirt a couple sizes larger and sew fire-themed stripes onto it. Now we make a wide belt and sew fabric holders for fire tools to it. And we sew pants with elastic from the same red material. Or you can just leave the child in jeans :)

If your child at school or in the garden was given a creative task to make some kind of fire-themed craft, do not rush to get upset and fall into despair. This, although a particularly simple task, is definitely interesting. In addition, the profession of a firefighter is very useful in life. By doing crafts with your son or daughter that are in some way related to the topic of fire safety, you can playfully learn the basic rules for behavior in a dangerous situation. It will also be possible to clearly explain to the child how the fire service works, as well as what needs to be done to prevent such an unpleasant situation. Both boys and girls will be extremely interested in learning more about the work of firefighters, as well as about fire equipment, and, of course, about the large and powerful equipment that is used to extinguish fires.

How to make a fireman costume for a child?

Most likely, there will be no problems with clothes - any dark overalls will do. The main thing is to make a fire helmet correctly. The best material for creating a helmet like a fireman's is cardboard. Firstly, this material is environmentally friendly and clean, and secondly, it is quite easy to work with. And we must not forget that the cost of cardboard definitely plays an important role in the choice of material for a fire helmet.

Materials and tools for creating a cardboard fireman's helmet

You will need to take two-millimeter cardboard. In principle, it is possible to have a smaller thickness, but then it will be more difficult to work. You will also need scissors, a paper knife and paint and brushes. You will need foam rubber. By the way, you can use a foam sponge for washing dishes for this. You cannot do without fabric of silver or dark color, but it must have a metallic sheen. A centimeter will be useful for measurements. You will need simple paper and a pencil, and also a plastic bottle for the visor. It is not necessary to do this, but then the stylization will be more complete. Wide silver tape will also come in handy. They make luminescent stripes on the helmet. You will also need thin paper or old newspapers.


First, the head volume for a fireman's helmet is measured, since the product is made individually. Measurements are taken from the back of the head to the forehead, directly along the entire circumference of the skull. You also need to measure the distance from the bottom line of the forehead, that is, from the eyebrows to the center of the parietal part. This will allow you to calculate the height of the helmet.

The next stage is drawing the helmet template on paper

Using a pencil, draw a straight line on a piece of paper equal to the circumference of the child’s head plus 3 centimeters. Next, you need to retreat 2-3 centimeters up and draw a parallel line of a similar size. They need to be cut out and transferred to cardboard in order to make a similar part from it. To cut along the contour on cardboard, it is better to use a stationery knife. The cuts will become smoother, and the process itself will be greatly simplified. After this, you should fasten the ends of the cardboard strip with a stapler or glue, first checking the volume with the size of the baby’s head. The result will be a cardboard ring - this is the basis of the frame of the future fireman's helmet.

Next, a long, isosceles triangle is drawn on paper, its base will be about 1.5-2 centimeters, and the length of each side is equal to the height of the helmet. It was measured and calculated earlier - this is the distance from the eyebrows to the parietal part. And plus 3 centimeters of allowance for this indicator. Thus, you get a narrow, long triangle with 2 equal sides. By the way, the more such triangles you make, the smoother the helmet dome will become.

The template is transferred to cardboard and the required number of parts is cut out. It is easy to calculate: the circumference of the head is divided by the base of the triangle. This will form the body of the helmet.

Putting it together into one whole

The triangles obtained earlier are glued to the frame, and a blank similar to a crown is obtained. After this, the dome should be assembled. The task, of course, is long and painstaking. The triangles previously glued to the frame should be bent into a dome shape, then glued together, as well as in the center. This is how the frame of the future fireman's helmet will be formed. After this, you need to let the paper blank dry. The main part of the headdress for the little firefighter is already ready. After that, it is decorated, and a visor is cut out of the bottle.


For a child to play the role of a fireman at a carnival or matinee, you can make him a fireman's helmet. To do this you will need paper and appropriate tools. Many children are interested in fire topics, so this will be interesting for both boys and girls.

Fire themed crafts

DIY fire truck

Fire themed crafts