How to knit a godet skirt for women. How to knit a skirt: diagrams, patterns and tips for sewing modern models

The nature of a woman is to bring beauty to the world. The first thing that comes to mind is physical, that is, pleasant appearance and clothes.

Paying attention to the life of our ancestors and the way of life of all peoples, we will see that women only wore dresses and/or skirts. Although our century has brought some degree of freedom in clothing and styles, subconsciously we are drawn to women's clothing. Needlewomen always create interesting models of skirts for different seasons and occasions.

Let's talk in more detail about the nuances of knitting women's skirts and look at photos of finished models.

The zigzag pattern is made either with openwork elements or without them. In the second case, make crossed yarn overs or broaches from the bottom row.

The pattern diagram is below.

When selecting yarn for a skirt, take either:

Sectional dyeing thread
- alternate several colors, including different textured yarns

After taking measurements, making a control sample and determining the knitting density, draw diagrams of the skirt and alternating stripes.

Choose the knitting direction either from top to bottom or vice versa. Please note that your product will be narrower in the waist area.

Prepare an elastic band or elastic thread in advance. Weave the latter into the work above the belt along with the main yarn.

Below are several descriptions and patterns for knitting skirts with a zigzag pattern:

And photos of finished skirt models:

A light flying sun skirt is an invariable attribute of women's summer looks. It is great for ladies of any body type.

Stock up on long knitting needles of the required thickness before starting knitting.

The sun skirt consists of:
- elastic bands
- coquettes
- wide part

You can not knit a yoke, but start expanding the fabric.

The longer the skirt, the more loops on your knitting needles. Therefore, think in advance about the possibility of dividing the skirt panels into 2 parts and then stitching them together.

Below we add diagrams and descriptions of the work.

Below is a photo of the finished sun skirts:

Openwork skirts attract attention with their lightness and beauty. The longer they are, the more interesting they look on women.

Insert openwork on similar skirts:
- along the bottom edge
- from the middle down
- on the entire canvas

In the latter case, consider the length and material for the lining.
- Choose openwork patterns for knitting midi and maxi skirts that have a straight or trapezoidal shape.
- The best choice of yarn would be pure cotton or with a small percentage of acrylic.
- Stock up on long knitting needles with fishing line.

And we’ll add a few ready-made job descriptions.

And photos of finished openwork skirts:

A feminine and stylish pencil skirt will highlight the beauty of your shape, regardless of your build and height.

Spring is the time when you definitely need to wear a new knitted skirt.

A similar model happens:
- from mono yarn and with jacquard motifs
- regular knitting and intricate weaves of braids and arans

To start bringing your pencil skirt to life, you will need:
- any yarn and knitting needles of equal thickness
- sketch, measurements taken and patterns
- patience and time to work

We add a number of ready-made patterns with a description of knitting a pencil skirt.

Description and knitting pattern for a warm pencil skirt

And a small selection of photos of finished models.

For such a skirt, take either:
- section-dyed Kauni type yarn
- several multi-colored skeins of yarn

A regular set of 2 knitting needles will suit you.

The knitting pattern is a rib, or alternating knit and purl rows on one side of the fabric.
- Start knitting after taking your measurements and marking them on the skirt diagram.
- The direction of your movement is from corner to corner diagonally. Knit 2 fabrics separately and then sew them together.
- Cast on 3 stitches and knit and purl a row.
- Begin to expand the fabric by adding one loop on the front side on each side along the edges. In total, in row 3 you will have 5 loops, in row 5 - 7, and so on.
- Having reached the width of the skirt on one side of the triangular fabric, begin decreasing along it. The scheme is similar to addition. That is, you knit 2 loops together before the edge stitch. On the other side of the triangle, continue adding.
- When you get the length of the skirt from it, start decreasing. In total, you cut loops on both sides of the skirt fabric.
- At the same time, watch for the alternation of color stripes if you are working with several multi-colored balls.
- Having reached 3 loops on the knitting needles, close them and start knitting the second fabric.
- Start working on it from the corner, which in the future will be sewn to the corner of the beginning of the first part of the skirt.
- The operating procedure is similar to that discussed above. However, be careful about the symmetry and width of the color bands.
- Sew both fabrics.
- Raise the loops in a circle and perform an elastic band. If desired, fold it and sew it, thread the elastic.

Below we add a couple of descriptions and patterns for knitting skirts in the diagonal direction.

Ribbed pleated skirts are a great option for the office and relaxing in the warm company of friends.

There are several techniques for pleated knitting on knitting needles:

Imitation, or a hint of folds
- from removed loops
- with laying out part of the canvas in a real fold

Below are the pictures for more details about them.

Based on the presence of pleated zones on skirts, there are:
- on a continuous canvas
- only in the lower part

Typically, pleated repeat is an even number of loops, for example, 10 or 12.

For A-line skirts, use the pleated technique of removed loops with expansion at the edges.

If you have decided on yarn, knitting needles, and a sketch of a skirt, then proceed as follows:
- tie an elastic band of the desired height
- add loops and continue with either stockinette stitch or imitation pleat stitch
- having reached the height of the yoke, begin to form real folds according to the method indicated above in the picture
- continue knitting using the pleated imitation technique to the bottom edge of the skirt
- close the loops loosely without tightening, otherwise it will puff up
- try the finished product and let it dry

Let's add a couple of diagrams and ready-made descriptions of pleated knitted skirts.

The peculiarity of this skirt is that it works in sections that differ from each other:
- number of loops
- thickness of the spokes
- pattern repeat

Note that the main pattern is an elastic band that expands from section to section.

You need:
- yarn of one color or several 400-700 g, depending on the length of the future skirt and its size,
- 4 sets of circular knitting needles of different diameters in increasing order. If you don't want the skirt to be too full, use one set,
- hook for casting on and closing loops,
- marker,
- soft meter and scissors.

Operating procedure:
- measure the circumference of the hips and waist, draw a diagram of the future skirt indicating its length,
- determine the knitting density on the sample,
- cast on the required number of loops equal to your waist size,
- mark the beginning of the row with a marker,
- knit with a 1x1 elastic band to a height of 12 cm,
- change the knitting needles as desired and add loops - after each loop, except for the edge ones, one at a time,
- continue working with a 2x2 elastic band to a height of 15 cm,
- repeat the procedure of changing needles and adding stitches. Perform the last step like this - after 2 knits and 2 purls, 1 loop each. In total, for 4 loops of the fabric there will be 2 added loops,
- change the pattern to 3x3 elastic and continue 19 cm,
- replace the knitting needles again and add loops. Now every 3 knits and purls 1 loop. In total, for 6 loops of the main fabric you will get 2 new ones,
- knit another 24 cm with a 4x4 elastic band and bind off the loops without pulling the thread,
- return to the beginning of work, raise the loops and perform 3 cm of the front stitch, then purl the row, again 3 cm of the front stitch,
connect the end of the fabric to the first row of elastic loops, leave a small gap,
- insert an elastic band into it, wash and dry the skirt.

If you need a shorter skirt, distribute the segments, for example like this:
- first - 11 cm
- second - 13 cm
- third - 13 cm
- fourth - 11 cm

Weightless mohair threads lie easily on knitting needles, and products made from them are beautiful, always in fashion and give the owner warmth.

Simple and openwork patterns look beautiful on this yarn.
- More often, craftswomen select options from the latter for skirts.
- Since mohair is light, decide to create a long flared skirt.

To do this, prepare:
- larger diameter knitting needles
- one or more openwork patterns
- diagram and your measurements
- fabric for lining

Start working from the top, from the waist. Complete part of the fabric with an elastic band at the desired height.

Proceed to knitting the main pattern.
- For convenience, think through your work step by step and mark the transition lines to the next one on the diagram. Combinations with expanding the pattern and changing the knitting needles are possible.
- Be prepared for an excessive number of stitches in the final section of the skirt. It can be 1000 or more loops.
- To make the work easier, knit a skirt from 4 segments and then sew them together. Or buy knitting needles on a long line in advance to avoid seams.

Wash the finished skirt fabric and lay it out until completely dry. Then sew on the lining and insert the elastic.

For a warm skirt for the winter, choose wool yarn and beautiful patterns from braids, arans, and their weaves. If you choose thick natural threads, then focus your attention on simple patterns, for example, garter stitch, rice.

The combination of several colors on winter skirts will oblige you to maintain color harmony throughout the entire look.

The following winter skirt models will suit you:
- straight silhouettes
- with a slight taper towards the bottom, or a pencil
- trapezoid
- moderate flare

Plan the length for a warm skirt to the knee or below.

Knit it:
- continuous fabric in a circle
- followed by stitching on one side
- from 2 parts

Mini skirts have firmly taken a fatal position in women's looks. Linking them is quite simple. Prepare:
- a little yarn - about 300 g
- knitting needles
- favorite pattern/s
- a diagram indicating the height and width in centimeters according to your parameters

The operating procedure is similar to the classic one:
- rubber
- yoke or main fabric with a slight expansion after the previous stage
- tight loop closure for straight and tapered silhouettes
- stitching if you did not knit in the round
- wash, dry and wear

This skirt model is similar to the Eiffel Tower - just as slender and beautiful. On it, needlewomen imitate the pride of France with braids, arans and their weave.

The skirt has the shape of a light flared bottom, the inner parts of which contain either voluminous or simple patterns.

The optimal length is to toe. But it is also allowed up to the knees.

When choosing yarn for knitting such a skirt, pay attention to:
- wool
- wool mixture
- twisted cotton

Other types of yarn will not hold the aran without breaking the pattern.

See the picture below for a description of the work.

Knitting a jacquard skirt can be done by a craftswoman with any level of training. The main thing is to carefully follow the drawing.

If you don't like circular knitting, work on the skirt fabric and then stitch it at the back.

Choose any yarn for both the main motif and the base fabric.

The jacquard motif on knitted skirts can be:
- large - for the entire canvas
- small - displayed on a small area/strip

Let's add a few examples of jacquard skirt models and descriptions of the work on them.

Ribbon yarn itself looks interesting and not boring. Therefore, knit products from it with simple patterns.

Ribbon yarn resembles braid and comes in different thicknesses.

Combine it with fine natural yarn, such as cotton. Knit the rib and yoke as usual, then insert the ribbon yarn.
- This way you will get playful ruffles on the skirt, as the ribbon yarn adds volume.
- Work with garter needles or those connected with fishing line. Ribbon yarn is extremely difficult to sew if it is placed along the edges of the product.

If you are the owner of curvy figures, avoid knitting for yourself with such threads.

Perhaps the most popular type of handmade skirt is flared. Such models are appropriate for women of all ages and sizes.

When drawing a skirt diagram, think about the location of the line of expansion of the fabric. Either it starts immediately from the outer row of the elastic band, or 10-15 cm below.
- Choose yarn with any composition, except excessively thick and tape.
- Interesting models of flared skirts with wedges made of braids framing their edges.

As an alternative, knit a similar skirt with a common fabric vertically. To imitate the soft expansion/contraction of a skirt, use the short row technique.

Other examples:

The assol skirt is suitable for young slender women. It is characterized by:
- short length
- flounce/pleats at the bottom
- decorating the yoke with a braid pattern
- expansion of the canvas in 2 stages - from the elastic band and to form the shuttlecock
- combination of several colors of yarn
- knitting in the round, that is, without a seam

For a detailed description of the work on creating an assol skirt, see the picture.

Godet skirts gained popularity in the last century. They have an elongated main fabric with a flared narrow edge. This skirt model favorably slims its owner and is suitable for both the office and friendly gatherings in a cafe.

Draw a diagram of the future skirt. Its length without a flounce at the hem will be either just above the knee, or clearly along its line.
- The height of the flared flounce varies between 8-20 cm.
- To knit a godet skirt, choose easy-to-work yarn, for example, acrylic, cotton.

The operating procedure is as follows:
- tie an elastic band and tuck it in,
- add loops to transform into a yoke. Moderate expansion of the fabric to the hip line is allowed,
- reduce the number of loops and knit a straight fabric,
- to emphasize the slimness of your figure, plan to reduce the loops until you reach the start line of the shuttlecock,
- double the number of loops on the knitting needles and knit the flared part of the skirt.

The fold on a knitted skirt is achieved by:
- pleated
- elongated loops
- alternating knit and purl stitches

The picture below shows the technique for creating folds.

In shape, these models are similar to a trapezoid, the wide part of which is formed by folds.

A pleated skirt is suitable for women of any age and size.

Before starting knitting, prepare:
- yarn and knitting needles
- detailed diagram of the skirt indicating areas with folds
- your measurements

Determine the direction of work yourself - either longitudinal or transverse. However, the second option is within the capabilities of experienced needlewomen with good spatial imagination.

After the elastic band, slightly expand the fabric by adding loops. Continue even knitting. Insert braids if desired.
- After, for example, 10-15 cm, double the number of loops on the knitting needles. Knit a flounce in stockinette stitch.
- Close the loops freely, without pulling the fabric.
- Fold the last row inside to the wrong side.

An interesting skirt model that is knitted in one piece on 2 knitting needles without stitching. In this case, choose the direction of work at your discretion:
- longitudinal
- transverse
- combined
- diagonal

In addition, such skirts are appropriate in combination with trousers. Then tie the product so that there is an open area at the junction.

Record the smell either:
- turning
- stitching the fabric overlapping
- on buttons

Knitting order:
- measure your hips and add 15 cm for smell to the resulting value,
- cast on 4 stitches on the knitting needles and knit alternate rows with knit and purl
- on the front side of the fabric, add 1 loop after and before the edge stitches, knit the wrong side according to the pattern
- having reached the point of the length of the skirt along one side of the triangle, shorten the loops along it. To do this, knit 2 loops together before the edge, pulling one through the other,
- when the length of the other side of the fabric is equal to the circumference of the hips plus the width of the wrap, cut the loops on this side as well,
- fold the finished part of the skirt so that the smell overlaps,
- pick up loops in a circle to knit an elastic waistband. Pull the thread through the double fabric,
- fold the elastic and connect it to the first row. Thread the elastic band and sew the waistband completely,
- wash the skirt, let it dry on a horizontal surface.

The length of the skirt that is closest to the feminine essence is floor-length.

To knit it, you will need 2-3 times more yarn than for any other. Approximately 700-1000 g.
- It is convenient to make a long skirt on 2 knitting needles on a fishing line.
- Sketch a simple sketch of the future skirt, plan for the narrowing of the fabric 10-15 cm to the end, provided that you knit from the heels to the waist. The classic movement in work is also allowed - from the elastic band to the hem.
- To decorate the finished skirt, make a cord-belt from the same yarn as the main fabric. And also crochet the hem, for example, “crawfish step”.

Curvy women are irresistible in skirts. However, in the preparatory stage for knitting, consider a number of points:

Yarn consumption will be slightly higher
- knitting needles are needed longer and better on the fishing line
- it will take more time to implement

Choose a pattern for the skirt and its knitting technique so that it does not add visually unwanted volume to you. For example, leave a lot of braids on the yoke or extreme widening of the fabric immediately from the waist line for thin girls.

Skirt in photo size: XL

You will need: “Premiere” yarn (100% wool, 300 m/100 g) - 800 g blue, hook No. 3.5, 4, knitting needles No. 3.5, elastic band.

Facial surface: faces. rows - persons. p., out. rows - purl. P.

Using crochet hook No. 3.5, use a chain of 98 chain stitches. p. and knit 6 rows according to pattern 1, 10 rows according to pattern 2, 14 rows according to pattern 3, 12 rows according to pattern 4. Continue crocheting No. 4, knit 4 rows according to pattern 5, then 4 rows according to pattern 6. The second half Knit skirts in the same way. For the belt, cast on 98 stitches and knit 6 rows of knits. satin stitch, 1st row - purl. p., 6 rows of faces. satin stitch

Assembly: Sew side seams. Fold the belt in half lengthwise and sew it to the skirt, insert an elastic band.

Below we will add as an example a diagram and description of working on a large skirt.

You can knit a skirt like this quickly, since you will use knitting needles of the appropriate diameter for thick yarn.

A regular stockinette/garter stitch on a skirt will look like a warm pattern. And braid weaves will add originality to your product.

Knit either:
- in the round on stocking needles
- on knitting needles with fishing line with further stitching of the fabric

Due to the density of the thick yarn, try to minimize the number of seams. This way you will achieve comfort in wearing a skirt.

Don't make it too flared. Thick yarn is quite stiff in the finished product. It may puff up.

A skirt with a lock pattern is suitable for spring and autumn. Insert it either partially or over the entire area of ​​the knitted fabric.

Since the appearance of the “clasp” pattern vaguely resembles braids, skirt models in which it is present on the yoke are especially interesting.

The pattern diagram is below.

Peacock tail skirts have a flared shape. Make a similar pattern using any thick yarn.

These skirts come in:
- openwork and without openwork
- midi and maxi

Below we will add pictures and a diagram of variations of the peacock tail pattern.

Consider the repeat of a specific pattern option when planning a skirt sketch. And also combine with other knits, for example, openwork triangles or stockinette stitch.

Second in simplicity and popularity after knitted/garter stitch skirts.

Knit it with the same elastic band along the entire length or alternate through segments, as we discussed in the section on creating a Bulgarian skirt.

Accordingly, skirts made with elastic are:
- midi and mini
- in the shape of a pipe and trapezoid

Prepare yarn of moderate thickness of any origin and knitting needles to match the diameter of its thread.

Use an elastic band to secure it at the waist.
- Add loops to expand the fabric and change the elastic pattern to a wider one. For example, you worked with 1x1, but switch to 3x3 or 4x4.
- Make accents from braids made on the front strips of elastic. Try to insert them rarely so as not to overload the skirt.

Let's add a couple of job descriptions for inspiration.

Warm models of knitted skirts never cease to please the eye. Women are so fascinated by them, and it’s not cold in such outfits. Beautiful and practical, why not try to knit a couple of models for yourself, your family and friends. All women can wear knitted items. You shouldn’t listen to the fact that knitted items make you fat. Any thing that is chosen incorrectly can ruin your idea of ​​your figure. But for women, there is a little secret in the body that will not only correct visual imperfections, but will also open everyone’s eyes to the advantages of the figure. Also models for beginners and a lovely floor-length model. For each work there is a simple and understandable description and, of course, diagrams.

Very often, warm versions of knitted skirts are decorated with braids. The more of them, the more voluminous the outfit seems and the warmer the canvas itself. These are not simple and single braids, these are whole aranas.

The well-known confusion does not leave its leading place among three-dimensional patterns. It takes on new shapes, absorbs other patterns, for example, a simple face cloth or small braids, often diamonds. But you can still recognize it immediately.

The popular technique of color play in the new season is reflected in simple checkerboard patterns. The combination of two techniques gives another novelty - a fantasy pattern. This is exactly what he looks like thanks to this duet.

The English gum has not gone anywhere. One can talk forever about the history of its creation, but the fact that it is included in popular knitting patterns is simply obvious.

Knitting pattern for a warm skirt for beginners

Simple and fashionable due to its natural color, the model simply amazes with its magnificence and innocence of the pattern. Just take a closer look - these are stripes of stockinette and purl. But how necessary are they in this product?

To work you will need:

  • multi yarn light brown and brown shades;
  • knitting needles number 2.

Stage: measurements. This model will only require one measurement. You need to measure how many loops are needed for your waist circumference. To do this, knit a sample and calculate the knitting density. Next, convert the waist measurements in cm from the loop. For example, size 46 will require about 150 loops.

Stage: foundation. Knit in the round. Start from the waist line. Knit immediately according to the pattern: 6 purl stitches and 30 knit stitches. Do this for about 6 rapports. Knit 30 cm without changes, and then for a slight expansion along the bottom of the product you need to add one loop in the purl stripes in every 8th row. The facial loops should not change their composition so that no increase is noticeable. Tie it to the required length and you can do this by either measuring the length from the waist line to the desired size. Or, when knitting, simply apply it to the person.

Stage: border. For the border it is better to use garter stitch, this will create a very dense and beautiful border at the very end of the product. Knit 10 rows of garter stitch and simply bind off the stitches. The new item is ready, you can complement it with a wide belt and a discreet and plain top.

Knitted skirt for plus size people

Overweight women often have neat and beautiful ankles. For such persons it is worth focusing attention on these places. It is necessary to somehow divert attention from the waist line and look down. A year skirt will help to do this. This model is fitted at the hips and has a fluffy ruffle at the bottom. It is advisable to choose a pattern that is not too prominent. Vertical stripes will do. The 2*1 elastic band has such talent. It is not voluminous and has distinct stripes.

To work you will need:

  • gray yarn;
  • knitting needles number 2.

Stage: set. We measured the waist circumference and made a corresponding set. Knitting begins immediately with the elastic pattern. Knit 10 cm for elastic.

Stage: foundation. Knit three rows after the elastic and start adding. Add until you get wedges. In one row, always add 4 repeats. Between the first additions there are 8 repeats on the front part and also on the back side. Next, make additions after 3 rows, expanding the interval by two repeats. So it turns out, as it were, a common branch from which the resulting additions and stripes of facial loops grow. This model has 14 rows with additions. After the last addition, knit 3 more rows and simply bind off the loops according to the fabric pattern. The godet is ready and you can try it on. It is better to knit such models for fat ones from dark thread.

Knitted floor-length skirt: diagram and description

And the color and pattern and even the wide elastic band - everything is in tune with this masterpiece. What girl would refuse to look so luxurious in winter?

To work you will need:

  • soft blue yarn;
  • knitting needles number 3.

Stage: measurements. Measure your waist circumference and the distance from your waist to the floor. All indicators can be paraphrased directly from cm into loops using the sample and you can calculate how many repeats and how many rows will be needed to create such an unusual and fabulous skirt.

Stage: elastic band. For size 46 you will need approximately 140 stitches. This is for a 1*1 elastic band. Knit 16 cm with an elastic band.

Stage: arans. Switch from elastic bands to lovely arans. It feels like the pattern was created in this exact color and for this color. They are simply perfect. For size 46 you will need to add elastic loops to create 16 aran repeats from the chart. Only one inaccuracy. The rows between crossing loops must be doubled to create such elongated braids with smoothed corners. Knit with increments at each beginning of the rapport along a loop in garter stitch fabric to the required length. Last row and bind off all stitches according to fabric pattern.

How to decorate a warm knitted skirt

The master always wants to make a unique thing worthy. It is the decorations that make such products beautiful. Therefore, it is worth thinking about how to present a knitted product.

Whatever your imagination allows you to do, whatever your own intuition tells you, is what the master usually does. Often inspiration comes at the very last moment. This is how people create great things.

Nowadays, you won’t surprise anyone with a beautiful skirt, because laconicism and simplicity are in fashion now: pleated, pencil, corrugated, sun, flared and many others. All this does not go out of fashion, and therefore they look quite familiar. However, a knitted skirt is a completely different matter. There are many knitting patterns and unusual skirts on the Internet, and each of them will be individual, because it will be made with your own hands.

Beginning knitters should not be afraid to start knitting skirts, as there are many detailed descriptions of the work progress that will not allow you to make mistakes. And to implement your plan, in addition to many articles in knitting magazines, this article will also be useful.

How to knit a skirt - a lesson for beginners

Openwork, straight, pleated, loose, tight-fitting, long, short, warm or summer - there are many types of skirts, and all this can be done using knitting needles. Let's look at some of the simplest, but most interesting patterns with completely free descriptions of knitting these beautiful products that will look great on both girls and women.

For girl

For little fashionistas, no matter how old they are, you can knit a beautiful skirt with your own hands, the main thing is to choose a simple pattern and carefully knit without haste according to the pattern. It is important here that the baby likes the style and uses yarn of her favorite color. Let's take a closer look at how to knit a skirt for a girl.

Popular articles:

  • Blueberry Dream

A beautiful and easy-to-make skirt will please any, even the most fastidious fashionista. And the shape of the product will look good on both thin and plump children.

Skirt sizes:

98/104 (110/116) 122/128.

Materials for work:

  • yarn (85% cotton, 15% promix (milk fiber); 110 m/50 g): 100 (150) 200 g purple;
  • knitting needles No. 4.5;
  • short circular knitting needles No. 4.5;
  • 2 auxiliary knitting needles for the Braid pattern;
  • hook No. 4.5;
  • 1 zipper, opening in both directions, 20 (20) 25 cm long.

Knitting patterns:

Facial surface

Garter stitch

Knit all stitches.

Rachy step

Crochet from left to right.

Sequence of stripes

6 rub. garter stitch;
10 rub. stockinette stitch;
4 rub. garter stitch,
6 rub. stockinette stitch;
4 rub. garter stitch.

Knitting density

19 p. x 25 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with stockinette stitch.



Rear panel

Cast on 84 (92) 100 stitches on the knitting needles and knit stripes between the edge stitches in the above sequence.

For bevel, decrease alternately in every 2-4 rows. on both sides 16 x 1 p. (in every 4th r. on both sides 16 x 1 p.), alternately in every 4th and 6th r. on each side 16 x 1 p.

After 23 (27) 31 cm from the initial row, close all the loops.

Front panel

Knit in mirror image.


Lightly moisten both panels and stretch according to the sizes indicated in the pattern, pin on the pattern and leave until completely dry.

Sew side seams.

Crochet 1 circle along the top edge. R. Art. b/n, 1 circle. R. Art. s/n, 1 circle. R. "crawfish step"

For a tie 80 (85) 90 cm long, crochet a chain chain. from 1 r. conn. Art. Pass the tie through the st. s/n.

When finished, lightly steam the seams.

  • Jacquard seals

A cute skirt with a charming children's jacquard pattern is suitable for holidays, kindergarten, school and outings with friends. Bright and pretty - she will cheer up any girl.

Skirt sizes:

98/104 (110/116 – 122/128) 134/140.

Materials for work:

  • yarn (100% cotton; 104 m/50 g) - 100 g each of blue and red, 50 g each of green and white;
  • circular knitting needles No. 4, 60 cm long;
  • elastic band 60 cm long or length = waist circumference and width 25 mm.

Knitting patterns:

Facial surface

Front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.

Jacquard pattern

Knit according to the counted pattern using the jacquard knitting technique. Distribute the loops as described in the instructions. Perform the 1st–34th round of rows 1 time, then repeat the 35–50th round of rows 1 (2 – 2) 3 times, 1 (0 – 1) 0 x 35–42nd round of rows. and knit the 51st–62nd round once.

Knitting density

21 p. x 29 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with a jacquard pattern using knitting needles No. 4.



Using a red thread, perform a double cross cast on 120 (132 – 144) 156 sts, close the work in a circle, mark the transition from row to row and knit 2 rounds. facial loops.

Then for the jacquard pattern 10 (11 – 12) repeat the rapport 13 times = 12 stitches between the arrows.

After 24.5 (27.5 – 30) 33 cm = 72 (80 – 88) 96 round. From the cast-on row, bind off all the loops with pink thread.


Fold the top edge 2.5 cm inward and sew, leaving a small hole for threading the elastic tape.

Thread an elastic band and sew up the hole.

Along the bottom edge, use a red thread to attach a fringe 3 cm long to each stitch of the cast-on row.

For woman

There is nothing more charming than a knitted skirt for women. You can knit such accessories with your own hands for both hot summer and cold winter. For beginner knitters, before starting to work, it is better to carefully read the detailed content of the work progress and study the diagram. Let's consider rather, how to knit a fashionable skirt - diagrams and descriptions for women will help with this.

  • Summer breeze

Skirt size:


76 (84) 90 cm.

Skirt length:

Materials for work:

  • yarn (100% cotton; 100 m/50 g): 400 (500) 600 g sulfur;
  • knitting needles No. 7;
  • elastic band 3.5 cm wide.

Knitting patterns:

Openwork pattern

Facial surface:

Front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.

Emphasized decreases:

Right edge: 1 edge, 1 knit, 2 knit stitches together.
Left edge: knit 1 loop with a slant to the left (slip 1 loop, knit 1, then pull the removed loop through it), 1 knit, 1 edge.

Knitting density:

14 p. x 14 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with an openwork pattern;
17 p. x 24 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with stockinette stitch.



Front and rear panels

Cast on 81 (87) 93 sts. Knit in an openwork pattern according to the diagram.

53 cm from the starting row, after the 10th row. rapport (measure by hanging), knit in stockinette stitch.

For a side bevel, perform 7 x 1 stitches in every 8th row. Underlined decreases = 67 (73) 79 stitches.

After 83 cm from the starting row, purl 1 row (= fold), then knit with stockinette stitch.

After 87 cm from the initial row, loosely close all the loops.


Sew the side seams, leaving an open slit of approx. length in the right side seam. 24 cm. Turn the belt along the fold to the wrong side and sew it on, insert an elastic band into the drawstring.

  • Mini with braid

Skirt sizes:

34/36 (38) 40/42.

Materials for work:

  • yarn (100% natural wool; 125 m/50 g) – 300 (350) 400 g blue;
  • knitting needles No. 4 and 4.5;
  • circular knitting needles No. 4 and 4.5;
  • 2 eyelets with silver washers (diameter 11 mm).

Knitting patterns:

Trim pattern

Alternately 1 knit, 1 purl.

Facial surface

Rows in forward and reverse directions: front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops;
In circular rows, knit all stitches.

Purl stitch

Rows in forward and reverse directions: front rows - purl loops, purl rows - front loops;
In circular rows, purl all stitches.

26 loop braid

3 purl stitches, 20 knit stitches, 3 purl stitches. Perform crossings according to instructions.

Knitting density

30 rub./circle.r. strip patterns = 10 cm;
21 p. x 28 r./round r. = 10 x 10 cm (knitted with satin stitch);
26 p. “Braids” = 8 cm (measure at the crossing point).

Important: The skirt is knitted from top to bottom. Arrow on pattern = knitting direction.



On circular needles No. 4, cast on 200 (216) 232 loops, close the work in a ring and for the bar
knit 10 cm = 30 circular rows with a plank pattern; the beginning of the circular row = the middle of the front panel.

Continue working on circular needles No. 4.5 as follows: 10 stitches in stockinette stitch, 3 stitches in stockinette stitch, 174 (190) 206 stitches in stockinette stitch, 3 stitches in stockinette stitch, 10 stitches in stockinette stitch.

Attention! 13 loops on both sides from the beginning of the circular row form a “braid”.

For the 1st crossing of the “braid” after 7 cm = 19 circular rows from the bar * divide the work at the beginning of the circular row (= in the middle of the “braid”) and first knit in a spread 2 cm = 6 rows according to. pattern, and start with 1 purl row. In the last front row, knit up to the last 10 stitches, then leave them unknitted on the auxiliary knitting needle while working, knit the next 10 loops, then leave 10 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle unknitted on the left knitting needle. Knit another 2 cm in a spread = 6 rows according to. pattern, and start with 1 purl row. Close the work again in a ring and knit 9 cm = 26 circular rows according to. pattern.

Repeat these 13.5 cm = 38 rows/rounds from * 1 more time.

After 34 cm = 95 circular rows/rows from the bar, continue working for the cut as follows: divide the work at the beginning of the circular row and first knit in a spread of 2 cm = 6 rows according to. pattern, and start with 1 purl row. In the last front row, knit up to the last 10 stitches, then leave them unknitted on the auxiliary knitting needle while working, knit the next 10 loops, then leave 10 loops from the auxiliary knitting needle unknitted on the left knitting needle.

Knit another 5.5 cm = 15 rows in a spread (7 cm = 19 rows) 8 cm = 23 rows acc. pattern, starting and ending with 1 purl row.

Then for the bottom placket, knit another 2 cm = 6 rows as follows: 10 stitches in stockinette stitch, 3 stitches in purl stitch, 174 (190) 206 stitches in placket pattern, 3 stitches in purl stitch, 10 stitches in stockinette stitch.

Close all the loops according to the drawing.


In the middle of the front panel, mark 7 loops, on both sides of them, install 1 eyelet acc. instructions on the package.

Hem the top strip halfway to the wrong side.

Twist a cord approx. 120 (130) 140 cm and thread it into the belt through the eyelets. Make knots at the ends of the cord.

Video lesson knitting a skirt

To make it easier to knit a skirt, beginning knitters should watch several video tutorials on how to create this product with knitting needles. This will help you quickly get comfortable with creating things according to the pattern and the specifics of knitting skirt elements.

A skirt is an invariable attribute of a woman's outfit. It makes the female figure more graceful, adds grace and tenderness. For the cold season, there are many options for sewing this item. But with the help of knitting you can get a much warmer and more comfortable analogue. Among the variety of different variations, every craftswoman will find a job to her taste and strength. Knitted winter clothes will help you endure frosty days.

In order to get started, you need to do some preparation. The course of the manufacturing process and the final result will depend on how well and correctly you do this.

Preparation includes the following steps.

  • Taking measurements and creating a pattern.
  • Model selection.
  • Purchasing suitable yarn and tools.
  • Knitting a sample pattern and calculating the future fabric.

What measurements are needed

Before you start knitting, you need to create a pattern. And for this you need to know the following indicators.

  • Waist circumference. It is measured along the belt line.
  • Hip volume. In this measurement, the tailor's yardstick should pass through the widest point of the hips and buttocks;
  • Length of the product. It is measured in the center of the back, from the waist, to the required point.

Then, based on the results obtained, a pattern is constructed.

Attention! When creating a pattern, add 1.5 cm on both sides for a loose fit.

Yarn selection and calculation

After you decide on the model and create a pattern, you should choose the material for making this item. Since this item is intended for the cold season, it is better to choose warm yarn.

  • Wool and wool mixture. This is a natural fiber most popular. It has a lot of positive qualities: naturalness, resistance to creasing, strength and elasticity. The disadvantages include the tendency to stall.
  • Alpaca has lighter weight. Clothes made from it stay clean longer and have an attractive appearance. But its main advantage is that it no lumps are formed.
  • Mohair is different special softness and provides excellent protection from frosty air. Wherein products made from it are distinguished by their tenderness and airiness.
  • Angora also warm, light and soft. But things made from it do not withstand washing well, ideally only dry cleaning is suitable. Due to its characteristics, the thread is difficult to work with.

Reference! Another option for knitting a skirt for the winter is high-quality acrylic.

This synthetic fabric also protects well from the cold and is very comfortable to work with. But the most attractive thing about it is the price. She is very democratic.

What knitting needles to use

Another step will be choosing the right tool. For work, an important criterion will be the size of the knitting needles. It can be defined in two ways.

  • First: read the information on the label. Manufacturers indicate the recommended tool number on each skein.
  • Second: consists of comparing the thread folded in half with the thickness of the knitting needle. These parameters must be equal.

An additional criterion is the material from which the tool is made. It is selected individually by the craftswoman. Today, knitting needles are made from the following substances:

  • metal;
  • bone;
  • plastic;
  • tree.

Important! Before use, wipe the tool with a soft cloth. This will make it easier for the stitches to slide along the knitting needle.

Knitting a winter skirt

There are a great variety of skirt models. They vary in their width and length. Products of different lengths are equally popular.

  • Maxi: product length from ankle to floor.
  • Midi: from knee to mid-ankle.
  • Mini: The length of the skirt does not reach the knee.

The maximum width of the skirt is called the “sun”. Next, in order of decreasing width, there is a “half sun”, a straight line, and a “pencil”. There are also many varieties that combine these types. Let's take a closer look at how to link some variations.

Pencil skirt

This knitted winter skirt is great for business attire. At the same time, it adds charm and sophistication to its owner.

To make it, you will need an estimated amount of alpaca/wool yarn with parameters 450 m/100 g and knitting needles No. 4 and No. 3.5 (circular).

At the beginning of the work, make a pattern according to the sample, making adjustments to your size. Then knit according to the patterns.


Getting the job done (size 38/40)

  • Cast on 67 stitches on needles No. 4 and knit in pattern 1 to a height of 50 cm.

  • For the first part of the side part, cast on 37 stitches on needles No. 4 and knit as follows: edge stitch, 17 stitches with pearl pattern, 1 stitch in stockinette stitch (side line), 17 stitches with pearl pattern, 1 edge stitch.

Pearl pattern

  • Make increments equidistant from each other along the side line to form the shape of the product. Stop decreasing by knitting 21 cm.
  • Next knit straight 10 cm.
  • Then perform decreases to form the side line.
  • Finish at a height of 50 cm.
  • Do the second part of the side part in the same way.
  • Stitch the details of the product.
  • Raise the top loops on knitting needles No. 3.5 and knit the belt strap in a circle with a 1x1 elastic band. At the same time, decrease 48 loops evenly. Finish knitting after 9 cm.
  • Tie the bottom of the product 2 cm with a 1x1 elastic band.

Skirt with jacquard

This option differs in that the pattern of the canvas is obtained by knitting the ornament with threads of several colors.

For this embodiment, you will need yarn in a contrasting color. 250 g dark and 100 g white. The fabric is made from bottom to top, in the round, without seams on needles No. 4.

The work was done as follows.

  • Cast on 200 stitches. Tie 5 cm with a 2x2 elastic band.
  • How to knit an edge with cloves
  • Then introduce the second thread into the work and perform 77 r. canvases with a pattern according to the diagram.
  • For the top and waistband, knit 5 cm in stockinette stitch. Then 1 rub. purl and another 5 cm front for the hem.

Pleated skirt

For a young girl or woman who wants to have a warm pleated skirt in their wardrobe for winter, a knitted variation is most suitable.

The model is made using the pleated effect method. To calculate the required number of loops, the hip circumference needs to be increased by 1.5 times.

Pleated effect

  • For the belt strap, knit the estimated number of rows using stockinette stitch.
  • Turn half of the knitted fabric to the wrong side and sew.
  • Insert an elastic band into the resulting hole.

In order for the work to bring pleasure and end with a wonderful result, you need to use small tricks.

  • Before starting work, be sure to knit a sample pattern, even if you have a detailed description of the calculations. Each craftswoman has her own characteristics, which change the knitting density and, accordingly, the calculations.
  • Don't forget the WTO sample. Sometimes yarn can present unpleasant surprises after washing.
  • During the work process, apply the fabric of the part to the pattern more often. This will help you make changes in time and avoid bandaging.

Winter is the time for warm clothes. that will please women. Now you can knit yourself a warm thing.

Unique original things have long been considered the key to stylishness of the fair sex. However, it is often necessary to pay a lot of money for original clothes. This especially applies to knitted skirts, because it is they, the extraordinary creations that decorate the windows of luxury boutiques, that attract admiring female glances.

However, the end of the fairy-tale effect occurs at the moment when the owner of fashionable clothes realizes that she did not buy what she wanted. And the reason is not terrible quality or inappropriate cut. Everything is much simpler.

Knitted skirts are such an individual item that all styles are designed to fully correspond to both the style and image of the hostess.

In addition, this wardrobe item is not suitable for every girl. Look below which skirts can be knitted using knitting needles and hooks.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's talk about the pros and cons of knitted skirts. An important disadvantage is the inability to hide figure defects. On the contrary, such clothes emphasize them as much as possible. However, if you adore knitted skirts, as in the photo, then wear them with a long blouse, complementing this loose-fitting ensemble with a jacket.

As for the advantages, this item of women's wardrobe will be the best option for true fashionistas. Modern stylists recommend it to those with a beautiful figure. You can't go completely unnoticed with her.

If we talk about combination with other clothes, then in this version the ensemble of knitted clothes looks amazing, and it is also as practical as possible.

In addition, these skirts look great over skinny jeans, in harmony with a jacket. This original youth combination will make the style lighter and more exclusive. For modern ladies, blouses in delicate shades, complemented with exclusive belts, will be a true find.

Vests combined with a knit skirt need to be given maximum attention, since they always look like a harmonious combination in different palettes and styles. When paired with items made of natural fur or leather of this type, skirts will be truly a win-win.

We noted above that a knit skirt is considered an extraordinary and at the same time practical part of a woman’s wardrobe. If you want to crochet a skirt, then you need to master some skills.

However, besides this, there are also certain points that we will consider:

  • Wise selection of quality yarn. The optimal thread is acrylic, which practically does not deform during care.
  • Pattern and measurements. In this case, you need a pattern that will not make it difficult to choose the right size.
  • When working, it is important to focus on the density of the thread. This will make it possible to correctly calculate increases and decreases. It is necessary to decide on the type of ligature.
  • Beautiful patterns, as well as knitting options, provide a seamless technique and with a seam. When knitting seamlessly, knitting is done exclusively in the round. Seam knitting involves creating a separate back and front side.
  • With an even cut of the skirt, knitting begins from the bottom.


To knit a straight skirt in a classic style, use the step-by-step description for the most correct knitting process. We're talking about a small size. You will need 400 meters of woolen thread per 150 grams, approximately 500 grams.

Making clothes starts from the bottom. You should make a few centimeters with an elastic band. The braids are located in the central part of the product, the other is knitted with a pearl ornament.

To fit the product, it is important to reduce the loops on the sides. At the waist there is a belt with a two-by-two elastic band.

Simple skirt patterns for beginners can be seen on the resource below.

Arana skirt

This style requires 800 grams of wool, as well as knitting needles numbered 3.5 and 2.5. Before knitting, calculate the required number of loops. An approximate diagram is given on the website. Distributes the pattern evenly.

To make an expansion, in the next tenth row available on the wedge, add a loop on both sides. The length of the finished product directly depends solely on your preferences.


Use the main steps of knitting a modern pleated skirt yourself. For a small size you will need 500 grams of yarn. The ornament is created based on the diagram, starting from the bottom. Knitting is carried out with a cloth with the possibility of stitching the seam on the side.

Based on the detailed instructions, it is easy to create a skirt with knitting needles, but also to knit it using a crochet hook. The patterns with clear descriptions are very simple, so they are also suitable for inexperienced knitters.

Many fashionistas who knit will not refuse to replenish their wardrobe with unusual new clothes, created independently, using simple and understandable patterns. In addition, knitting technique is a useful and also exciting hobby.

Photo instructions on how to knit a skirt