Names of hairpins. Hair clips: what suits you

Beautiful and stylish hair clips become an integral part of a fashionable look for many representatives of the fair sex. They help not only fix the hairstyle and make it more neat and attractive, but also completely change the entire appearance of a woman, adding a “zest” to her image.

Fashionable hair clips 2018

Fashion trends for accessories change with each new season. In 2018, bright and beautiful hair clips, the variety of which is simply amazing, were at the top of popularity. Stylists and designers around the world have presented a huge variety of options, each of which attracts the fair sex with an interesting and original appearance.

Among the incredibly wide assortment, identifying the main trends is not easy. However, most hairdressers gave their preference to the following five options:

  • all kinds of hair clips, made in a classic style and black and white colors. Thanks to their minimalist design and discreet execution, these accessories will suit any hairstyle and easily fit into everyday wear;
  • one of the main trends of 2018 – geometry – is reflected in this area. In the coming season, stylish hair clips of strict geometric shapes, not overloaded with decorative elements, have become incredibly relevant;

  • Feminine and romantic options are not losing their positions. They are especially popular among beautiful women, as they perfectly complement looks for dates and all kinds of celebrations. With the help of such jewelry, a beautiful lady can emphasize her natural beauty and charm;
  • an abundance of decor this season is also welcome. However, it should have a romantic overtone and a somewhat solemn appearance. Thus, in 2018, at the top of popularity were beautiful models of women's hairpins, decorated with lace, fresh and artificial flowers, fringe, veil or satin ribbons;

  • this year has surpassed all other fashion trends in popularity. The trend is for jewelry for curls, in appearance reminiscent of luxurious precious brooches, borrowed from the reign of monarchs. To achieve this effect, stylists and designers use sequins, rhinestones and various stones, including pearls, in their work;
  • Charming bow hair clips have also not lost their popularity this coming season. They can be used in a wide variety of situations;

  • Finally, the real hit is the unique designer jewelry, completely made by hand. Every beautiful lady can cope with the task of creating them; the main thing is to purchase the necessary materials and allocate very little time.

Types of hair clips and their names

Modern designers offer beautiful ladies a huge variety of different accessories that can be used when creating their hairstyles. Some hair clips, types, names are familiar to almost all women, while others, on the contrary, look so bright and unusual that fashionistas don’t even understand how to use them. Thanks to the wide variety of options, every young lady can choose the one that suits her liking.

Twister hair clip

Fashionable twister hair clips appeared in the fashion world in the 1990s and immediately gained unprecedented popularity among owners of long curls. This device is a frame made of thick wire, covered with fabric and, if necessary, supplemented with a foam insert. The material to create such an accessory must be dense and of high quality; in most cases, designers give preference to velvet or natural cotton.

Twister hair clips are extremely convenient and easy to use - in a matter of seconds they allow you to manage and style even the longest and most unruly strands into a neat hairstyle. So, with the help of these devices you can easily create a beautiful and elegant bun, an exquisite “shell” or a high ponytail. In addition, the “twister” can also be used to create festive looks - some models of these accessories are decorated with stones, rhinestones, lace and other similar elements, making them look luxurious and incredibly impressive.

Banana hair clip

The original banana hair clips have been known in the world of accessories for over 30 years. These decorations are an ordinary comb, which is fastened like a pin. Thanks to their unusual appearance, reminiscent of a banana, they got their name. The simplest products are made of wood, plastic or metal and are not decorated with anything.

Bright and catchy designer models, on the contrary, are decorated with flowers, fabric, feathers, rhinestones or stones. Using a banana clip is incredibly easy, however, with smooth curls you may have some difficulties, so before creating your hairstyle, it is recommended to do a little backcombing.

Crab hair clip

A simple and convenient crab is known to most girls. With its help, you can very easily create a beautiful hairstyle, both for and for a special event. At its core, a crab clip is a curl clip that can be used to secure strands or decorate hair. Thus, representatives of the fair sex do all kinds of hairstyles with hairpins for medium hair, decorated with miniature crabs in the front of the head, or they use one large product to collect and fix all the curls in the back of the head.

Heagami hair clip

Stylish heagami hair clips have appeared in the fashion world quite recently, so not all representatives of the fair sex are familiar with them. Meanwhile, those girls who decided to purchase or received this interesting and original thing as a gift can no longer refuse it, because doing a hairstyle with it is incredibly easy and simple.

Heagami consists of two metal plates covered with thick fabric. Depending on what kind of hairstyle the owner of this accessory is going to do, it can be twisted into a figure eight, a ring or a “pretzel”. It’s not at all easy to use - almost no one succeeds the first time, and learning how to create beautiful hairstyles takes a lot of time. However, most fashionistas note that this thing is very interesting, and the results from its use are really worth it.

Hair bobby pins

In everyday life, young ladies and older women use the simplest and most laconic invisible hairpins, which are practically invisible in their hair. They are used to fix thin strands that can get in the way, falling into the eyes, or simply get out, giving the hair an unkempt appearance.

Invisible hair clips do an excellent job - they remove unruly curls, making your hairstyle neat and elegant. Meanwhile, these simple and laconic accessories also have a place in a formal look. To complement a festive hairstyle, gold and silver hair clips decorated with pearls or other precious stones are often used.

Hair clip

Simple hairpins for long hair in the form of a clip, or “crocodile clip,” as some fashionistas call it, very often play the role of an auxiliary tool when creating a hairstyle. Meanwhile, there are also richly decorated options that young ladies wear for a long time. Using this clip, you can fix an unruly strand from the side or secure all the curls at the back.

Hair clip

Some girls are upset because their hair is naturally too thin. Meanwhile, there are special hair clips for volume hair, among which the donut plays a special role. Such a product is completely hidden in the hairstyle - the ends of the tail are wound onto it, which are subsequently wrapped tightly and secured with hairpins. As a result, even the thinnest strands form a voluminous and very pretty bun.

Hair clip "stick"

Japanese hair clips in the form of a stick or knitting needle are extremely popular among young girls due to their ease of use. Today you can use only one such product to create a beautiful and neat hairstyle, whereas in ancient times it was necessary to stick 22 such objects into your hair to complete the look. Sticks can look different - both simple plain models and those richly decorated with hieroglyphs and other decorative elements look good.

Hair comb clip

The comb can be considered the very first accessory for combing and fixing strands. Women have used it since ancient times, although subsequently the appearance and stylistic design of such accessories changed noticeably. Modern designers do not skimp on the rich festive design of such products - they often make them from precious metals and decorate them with natural stones. For example, a gold hair clip in the form of a comb, encrusted with pearls, will be an excellent choice for a young bride.

Hair pin

The classic hairpin, or bun hair clip, is used to create most complex hairstyles. The decorative function is not included in its tasks, since this little thing is used exclusively for fixing the strands and adhering them to each other. Meanwhile, modern designers have also developed richly decorated hairpins - they are decorated at the ends with pearls, rhinestones or flowers, which coquettishly peek out from the collected hairstyle, giving its owner a charming appearance.

Wedding hair clips

As a rule, young ladies pay special attention on the eve of their own wedding. On this day, every girl wants to look amazing, so in most cases she turns to a professional. Often, when decorating the image of a newlywed, French hair clips and other types of accessories are used. All of them are richly decorated with rhinestones, pearls and other stones. In addition, among the wedding items, a flower hair clip stands out clearly, giving the young lady’s image unique femininity, tenderness and charm.

Beautiful hair clips turn even the most common everyday hairstyle into a masterpiece of hairdressing art. They look great on loose curls too. But there are also types of hair clips that help you create a fairly complex hairstyle while remaining invisible. With their help, you can create a hairstyle that will surprise others. These hair clips are simply irreplaceable for long hair. Of course, the division of accessories into functional and decorative is conditional. For example, hair clips such as bobby pins or hairpins can also be decorative if they are made in an original color or decorated with decorative elements.

Invisible hair clips

We won’t mention hairpins and bobby pins, since these types of hair clips are available in every girl’s arsenal. There are interesting hairpins that not everyone knows about:

  1. Spiral hairpins. These hairpins differ from ordinary ones in their spiral shape. If your hair is heavy and long, then spiral hairpins will do an excellent job of fixing it.
  2. Twister. The twister hair clip is good because it does not deform the hair, as it is made of wire covered with foam rubber and soft fabric. Thanks to this accessory, you can make buns and twist waves in different directions. There are also modifications of this type of hairpins - sophist twist (with holes at the ends that are fixed with a button) and French twist (a metal frame on which the hair is wound and then secured with hairpins).
  3. Heagami. A great accessory for bun lovers! Heagami hair clips allow you to create this hairstyle in a matter of minutes. The hair is simply fixed between two connected plates and then twisted onto them. After this, you can form a bun, spiral or any other shape from your own hair.
  4. Bumpit. These hair volume clips will eliminate the need to comb the top of your head when creating updos. Two connected headbands with teeth are fixed under the hair, lifting it and increasing volume.
  5. Donat. This hairpin is called a “donut”. A soft circle of synthetic fibers is placed over the hair gathered in a ponytail, and then rolled up to the base (to the elastic band). All that remains is to straighten the hair, distributing it along the hairpin, and the bun is ready.

Decorative hair clips

The variety of these accessories is amazing! Thanks to beautiful hairpins, you can style any hairstyle, from everyday to evening:

  1. Crest. A very popular and sought-after accessory, the history of its use dates back decades. A comb is a hair clip that allows you to style your hair by fixing individual strands. Plates of different shapes and sizes with teeth are decorated with stones, modeling, flowers, rhinestones and other decorative elements that turn the comb into a stylish accent of the hairstyle.
  2. Montara. This is a type of comb. Consists of two toothed plates connected by elastic bands or plastic spirals. The hair is pinned with one comb, and this strand is fixed with the second.

A bun is a charming hairstyle, and is suitable for hair both long and not too long. The bun looks appropriate both in a formal office and at a chic evening reception. This is a universal option, so knowing how to do this styling is useful for any woman. Let's find out how you can quickly make a bun using a donut and other hairpins, and get acquainted with all the intricacies of creating this hairstyle.

General information and photos - how to make a bun of hair, what is the name of this hairstyle

Bun clips are hair securing devices. Hairpins can be as simple and basic as bobby pins or hairpins, or modern and quite complex - and they are called heags or bumpitas.

With the help of a suitable hairpin, you can fix a bun or an elegant shell of hair in any direction, giving your hairstyle elegance and chic. You can make it low, even from the side - there are no restrictions on the scope of your imagination if you have the necessary accessories.

Many of the hairpins remain invisible in an already assembled bun - for example, pins or pins are usually not visible, however, they are able to securely fix the hairstyle, preventing the hair from flying away. Some types of accessories such as bumpita should remain outside, serving at the same time as a decoration for the hairstyle. However, hairpins designed to secure the bun are rarely too elegant or decorative. As a rule, these are usually utilitarian accessories - reliable, stylish, but devoid of excessive “elegantity”. Next, we will consider in detail the types of hairpins suitable for creating a bun.

In the video - how to make a bun using a hairpin:

Spiral pins and invisible pins

In order for the twister to reliably fix the hairstyle, it is necessary that the hair is at least as long as the shoulder blades. On shorter strands, the hairpin does not hold well. It will also be difficult if the hair is cut in a cascade or a ladder - in this case the strands have different lengths and putting them in a bun is problematic.

Sophista twist

This is a variation of a twister, but with special ears at the ends. The accessory should be used in the same way as a twister, but at the end of creating a hairstyle, the ears need to be threaded into each other or tied. Thus, the sophist twist provides more reliable fixation of the beam. Sometimes there is also a button at the ends of this hairpin that is fastened.

A very convenient tool that can be used very easily

Typically, this hairpin is used to create formal and evening hairstyles. It is also indispensable for heavy, thick hair.

French twist

This type of twister is designed to create an elegant shell. The hairpin is a cone-shaped tube made of mesh that securely holds the hair together. To build a shell, you should fix the ends of your hair with a special clip, and then simply wind them onto a mesh pipe. The entire structure is secured at the end with ordinary pins - simple or elegant - at your discretion.

French hair twist is used most often by young girls

Heagami Hairpin

This hairpin came to us from Japan. The name of the accessory is similar to the word “origami” - and this is no coincidence: with the help of heagami, hair is also folded like paper into a certain structure - a bun, a bun, a shell. Heagami are two metal plates with a slightly springy effect. The plates are covered with fabric, so they do not come into direct contact with the hair. There are also versions of heagami made of fur or lace on sale - for special occasions.

Hair heagami can be of different shapes and colors

You need to use this hairpin in this way:

  • open the plates, thread the hair between them;
  • straighten the strands to make the hairstyle neat;
  • stretch the plates to the ends of the hair;
  • wind the strands onto the plates;
  • Having reached the base of the hair, press the ends of the hairpin, after which it will curl up, forming a bun.

Unlike, say, a spiral, heagami does not add additional volume to the hair. But with the help of this device you can create a stylish, voluminous European bun at the back of your head, ideal for every day.

Spiral Bumpit - how to use this thing

An interesting thing from the fun 60s. The bumpit is a kind of headband that should be placed on the back of the head. On top of the headband, loose hair should be released, which is intended to form a bun. The headband has small teeth with which the device securely fixes the strands.

Forming a beam is very simple, the procedure takes only a few seconds

With the help of this device, hairstyles are no worse than those of the most chic Hollywood beauties - just as elegant and neat.

Bagel device for creating buns

One of the most common options for creating a bun. Foam rubber is more suitable for long hair because it has an impressive volume. And the bun created with the help of a donut will be truly royal - lush, elegant and flawless.

Can be of various shapes and colors, most often in light colors

The hairpin is essentially very simple. This is an ordinary ring made of hard foam rubber - flexible and elastic. The ring serves both as a support for the bun and as a kind of chignon, providing the styling with a perfectly round shape. Note that a donut (or) allows you to create a chic bun even on thin, weak and sparse hair. The bun can be either elegant, strict for evening outings and the office, or fashionably careless for romantic looks and walks.
The hairpin should be used like this:

  • comb your hair and make a high ponytail;
  • put a donut on the tail - all the way to the base;
  • distribute evenly around the strands, remove their ends under a hairpin;
  • To ensure that the bun is securely fixed and the ends of the strands do not come out from under the donut, the latter must be pinned with hairpins.

Bagels are usually produced in three color variations - light beige, brown and black. Choose the color that best suits your hair - this way the donut will be reliably camouflaged.

We learned what devices and hairpins you can use to quickly and conveniently form a beautiful bun. As you can see, the choice is quite good - you can use both simple devices like hairpins and “advanced” ones such as heagami and bumpit. It is best to purchase several options for accessories - to create any kind of buns in different variations or to think about being irresistible every day.

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Women's hairpins are beautiful accessories that allow you to create hairstyles. They perform a decorative function and fix the hair. With the help of such an accessory the image will be complete. These elements can be functional or decorative, although this division is conditional. Even luxury beaded hairpins become a functional part of the hairstyle. Bobby pins, banana pins, and clips allow you to create different hairstyles.

Types of decorative hairpins and hairstyles for them

Elite decorative elements are divided depending on the method of fastening.

  • Crest. From ancient times came such a beautiful decoration as a comb. It looks like a flat plate with teeth. The sizes and number of cloves vary. They are decorated with flowers, rhinestones, and weaving. The combs are used to create original tiara-combs.

➸ SIMPLE and ELEGANT hairstyles with COMB

  • Montara. This decoration is one of the festive ones. It is created on the basis of two combs, which are connected to each other with high-quality threads. Decorations include beads, sequins, and rhinestones. When creating a hairstyle, attach one part of the hair, stretch the hairpin to the desired distance, securing it there.

Magic Twin Hair Clip

  • Crab. This beautiful hair clip can be used as a comb. The two parts of the teeth are held together by springs. Use a comb to secure the hair. Various in size. The big crab grabs a lot of hair. The design of the hairpins is different: with pearls, stones, flowers, ribbons. A small crab serves as a fixing element for small strands. This type of hairpin is also called “tropicana”. There is an improved type of “tropicana” - a spiral hairpin with rhinestones, pearls or other decor. The crab adds volume to the hairstyle.

Casual hairstyle with crab

  • Banana. This hair clip is presented as a fruit. Decoration: The banana has two parts connected vertically. The hairstyle can be styled in a bun. A banana clip will allow you to style your hair with loose hair.

EASY and BEAUTIFUL hairstyles with BANANA CLIP

  • The clamps are plates, scallops, which are connected by a spring. Luxury jewelry clips come apart like a crab. Nowadays such an accessory is fashionable, it is used for hair and clothes. Clamps vary in size. There are beak-shaped hairpins.

Hairstyle with clips from EVITA PERONI

  • Firecracker. Hair clips are curved metal frames with a tongue that helps secure the hair. The frame is considered a decorative part of the decoration, so flowers, rhinestones, and sparkles are placed on it. They vary in size, but they are used as fixatives for a small amount of hair. They are usually used as a decoration for bun hairstyles.

Gentle styling for short hair step by step/Hairstyles/Short Hair Style (KatyaWORLD)

  • Headbands, headbands – Greek style. Previously, natural flower wreaths and plaits were used for hairstyles. Now plastic, fabric, leather products are sold. The headbands are secured around the head using a stretch function. Ties can serve as a fastener. Headbands are decorations worn around the head. They are used to create hair volume.

I want a hairstyle like a star’s - Everything will be fine. Issue 669 from 09.14.15

Greek style jewelry is decorated with bows, flowers, rhinestones, embroidery, and stones. Accessories allow you to create an unusual hairstyle: curls are removed from the forehead and then secured with a hairpin at the back. Therefore, this option is ideal for special occasions.

  • Scrunchies are the easiest way to create a bun hairstyle, but they are not used for volume. They include a ring made of elastic material, decoration in the shape of a flower, and a bow. Many use natural materials.

Casual Hairstyle with Scrunchies Business Hairstyle Elegant Up-Do Hair Tutorial

  • Automatic hair clip. The accessory is made of two parts, between which the hair is secured. As a rule, such a product is used to create a tail that rises slightly upward. To keep the jewelry firmly on the head, there is a special latch. Decorations include bows, flowers, stones, beads, and leather. Hairpins and hats are created in its likeness. Jewelry sizes are selected for different types of hair, since they can capture different numbers of curls.

Classic hairstyle with a bow-shaped clip from Alexandre de Paris

  • Hairpins and bobby pins. These luxury products are considered universal because they can be used on hair of different lengths. Previously, hairpins were standard, without decoration. Now they are produced with rhinestones, pearls, and beads.

How to attach pins and bobby pins

Invisibility cameras are also produced with different decor. The products allow you to fix your hair in the desired condition. Bobby pins allow you to create a festive hairstyle and use them to create volume.

  • Kanzashi style hairpins. Accessory stores sell unusual jewelry with flowers. Fastening is created thanks to studs, clamps, ridges.

Combing with kanzashi ribbon. Hairstyle with kanzashi ribbon

  • "Chinese chopsticks". When creating original images, elite “Chinese chopsticks” are often used. You can make a hairstyle in the form of a bun and secure it with chopsticks. They are used to add volume to the hairstyle.

How to choose for sports

With an active lifestyle, it is important for women to choose the right hairpins for different outfits. Therefore, the best choice would be simple hairpins made from high-quality materials. They can be used to add volume to spectacular, comfortable hairstyles.

To do this, you can choose a banana law or bobby pins, the main thing is that you need to create a hairstyle according to your own style. You can choose scallops and crabs. With their help, simple and complex hairstyles can be created.

Beautiful DIY decorations

They are used for special occasions. Products are created with semi-precious stones. Natural fabrics, leather, and accessories are used in production.

Products with fur, feathers, and sequins look great. It is important to combine them with your image, since the product will emphasize your status. Invisibility pins can be used to complete the look. Banana and clips are used to create your own hairstyle.

Beautiful DIY summer accessories

For summer, elite ethnic style accessories are used. When creating, natural materials are used: wood, beads, seed beads. They combine unique textures and shapes. This style is perfect for a summer party.

Ethnic style involves creating light, casual hairstyles. Beautifully braided braids and curled curls will look great.

Secrets of choice

Hairpins and clips should be chosen that are beautiful and comfortable. Therefore, when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the material of the product. Some are made using natural materials. The decoration must match the style.

Nowadays, many accessories that include natural materials are inexpensive, but such a choice will look stylish. Even such simple jewelry as bobby pins, clips, and banana clips can be made from bright and durable materials. You can purchase something original from the collection of world designers.

“French braids” look unusual, they are transformed with laces and satin ribbons. The decorative elements of metal hairpins are natural fabrics and furs.

When creating a luxurious option, elite jewelry is used, which consists of stones and rhinestones. This product can be attached to any side of the hairstyle.

Any type of hairpins creates festive, everyday hairstyles. You just need to use the right accessories for each situation.

My hair jewelry. Hair pins.

Hair clips come in different types and sizes. Many of them perfectly fix the hairstyle, some help remove hair from the face, and others serve as decoration for the hairstyle. How to sort through this variety and choose what you need?

Crab hairpin

The crab clip is mainly used to create an updo on long hair and keep it away from the face. Crab clips come in a variety of sizes, colors and styles, including tiny mini crabs. Some of them are decorated with rhinestones, flowers and other decorations. A crab clip is a great way to keep hair out of your face when you wash or shower and don't want to get your hair wet.

How to use: Comb your hair back into a ponytail, twist it with your hand, lift it up and secure it with a crab clip along the curled hair.

Crab clips come in different sizes, so you can find one that suits your hair length. Clips with more frequent teeth are more suitable for fine hair. Mini crabs are great for separating hair strands and creating a looser look. The crab clip is best suited for an informal setting, when you are wearing jeans and, for example, going to the store. If you wear your hair up, a crab clip would be appropriate for the office or even a formal dinner. A large crab clip is an easy way to create an elegant and colorful look, while mini crabs that secure individual strands of hair are perfect for children.

French scallops

These are small plastic combs that are inserted into the hair to hold it in place. They differ mainly in size: larger combs are suitable for longer and thicker hair.

How to use: These combs are easy to use, but only if you know how to wear them. The idea is that you put them on backwards and upside down, and when you flip them over, they hold your hair firmly in place. When you pin the comb, the teeth should be directed toward your face. It's easier to create a softer look by pushing the comb forward a little and creating volume around the face.

Combs are great for medium to long hair. They help you create an updo or get rid of bangs if you're growing them out.

They can be used to create a French knot or secure the end of a ponytail into a fan if you want to give it a fun, informal look.


Hairpins are thin metal pins that are bent at one end and open at the other. Hairpins come in a variety of sizes and colors and can be plain or adorned with rhinestones, flowers, and other embellishments.

How to use: Hairpins hold knots and chignons perfectly. Hairpins that match the color of your hair will not be noticeable, but if you want to decorate your hair, choose decorated hairpins.

Circular comb

A circular comb is a cross between a comb and a hair band, in other words, it is a large, round comb that stretches around your head. They differ only in color.

How to use: Pull your hair back, place the comb around your head and fasten at the back. Circular combs are simple and inexpensive hair clips. They are suitable for any hairstyle where you need to keep hair out of your face. However, they are best used at home; they rarely look attractive.

Automatic hairpin

Automatic hair clips are used to gather and pin hair, for example, to create a half-up, half-down hairstyle or to remove bangs from the face. Automatic hair clips come in different sizes, some are more decorative than others.

How to use: Simply gather and pin your hair. Make sure the size of the clip matches the thickness of your hair. These clips are suitable for hair of any length. If a clip is placed above the eyebrows, it will draw attention to short hair, and a decorative clip can look very elegant.

Hair clip

These are small metal clips that come in different colors and make a clicking sound when they close. Most often they are worn by children. Clip-on pins come in a variety of sizes, from tiny to large, and can be colored in a variety of colors.

How to use: Place the clip in your hair and close it. This can be done even with one hand. Clip-on bobby pins are used for pretty much the same thing that mini crabs are used for, but the advantage is that they sit nice and flat and fit more tightly to the head, so they hold more securely. If you don't want to look like a child, avoid bright colors.

Clip-in hair clips are suitable for hair of any type and texture. They are intended for informal styles because they are mainly used to secure hair that would otherwise fall out of a ponytail.

Best suited for sports and homework.

Hair sticks

Wear sticks instead of combs, pins or clips to secure an updo or twist your hair into a topknot. They can also be worn as jewelry. Hair sticks are often worn in pairs. Sometimes they are simple (like sushi sticks) and sometimes ornate. They come in different lengths and sizes.

How to use: If you are using chopsticks to secure a knot, you need to insert the chopstick into the knot, collect part of the hair, lift and turn the stick, and then insert it back into the knot. If the stick is decorated, insert it so as not to damage the decoration.

Sticks are suitable for securing knots and chignons of medium and long hair. They also make a great addition to a simple French knot. Decorative sticks used for updos are perfect for special occasions and formal occasions. They can also be worn as an everyday alternative to combs and clips.

Banana clip

A banana clip is a curved hair accessory. , which opens and secures at one end. Typically used to secure high hairstyles. Banana clips come in different sizes and styles. They can be either very simple or decorated with rhinestones and stones.

How to use: A banana clip can be used to secure your ponytail. They are also suitable for French knots: all you need to do is twist the hair, tuck it in and secure it with a bobby pin at both ends. The longer and thicker the hair, the stronger the banana clip should be. It is suitable for medium to long hair any texture. This is a great way to keep hair out of your face when needed. The banana clip has been around since the 1980s, when it was worn on thick, curly hair with strands coming out at the sides.

At all times, women loved to improve and decorate themselves. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the endless popularity of various accessories. One small detail can change or complement the image. This also applies to hair accessories. One of the indispensable ones is a hairpin.

Modern hair clip designers are as sophisticated as they can be, and thanks to this we have a huge selection for all occasions. These include hairpins decorated with rhinestones, bows, flowers, ribbons, natural materials, multi-colored and plain, elegant and simple. The choice is huge and growing every day. To choose a suitable hairpin, let’s look at their varieties.

Types of hairpins:

1. The oldest and most popular are ridges, a flat plate with teeth, resembling a hand.

2. Automatic hairpins no less popular. These are two rectangular parts, one of which is fixed and has a fastening (latch) for the moving part.

3. Crabs. The name explains the principle of operation. Essentially, these are two combs fastened together by a spring, but the teeth of the hairpin do not tend downward, like a comb, but are curved inward and directed towards each other.

4. Banana clips. A variation of the crab in a more elongated shape.

5. Clamps. The two moving parts are connected to each other by a spring.

6. Click-clack or tick tock(the name comes from the sound the clip makes when fastened and unfastened). A curved metal structure with a thin part in the middle.

7. Invisible These are thin, tightly pressed plates.

8. Hairpins U-shaped thin metal plates.

9. Haegami. The frame of the hairpin is made of wire and covered with fabric. There is a hole in the strip for hair. The hairpin is designed to create buns.

10. Bumpits. The hairpin is a double headband. Useful for creating volume at the back of the head. The hairpin is covered with strands of combed hair on top.

11. EZ Combs a hairpin based on the same comb. Two parts of the hairpin are attached towards each other between the hair, decorated with beads, stones and other details.

It is clear that you should like the hairpin based on its external characteristics, match the image and occasion for which you are doing the hairstyle, and also suit the hairstyle itself. * For example, to make a bun, you can use a regular elastic band and a pair of hairpins, or you can make it with a hoegami. But you can’t make a bun out of a comb.

But in addition to external data, you need to choose a hair clip so that it does not harm your hair, is easy to use, reliable and holds your hair well.

How to choose a good, correct hair clip?

1. Hairpin size. To choose the right size of hairpin, first decide what hairstyles you will need it for, and how much hair you will pin with it. This way you will understand how large or small the chosen hairpin model should be. Too small may not capture the required amount of hair, and a large one will fall off. * If, for example, you need to pin up several thin strands that interfere with your work, then a click-clack or a small crab will do the job.

2. Material, from which the hairpin is made. It is important to assess the condition of your hair. The hairpin should not be heavy and metal, if you have weak and thin hair - it will constantly fall off and only harm your hair. Such a hairpin will not cope with its functions, which will also irritate you. And if the hair is heavy and thick, and the hairpin is thin and light, it will constantly come unfastened. Metal fasteners damage hair more than plastic or wooden ones.

3. Fastener rigidity. Too tight may cause hair to be pulled out during removal; too loose will cause the hair to come loose.

4. Teeth. If the hairpin has teeth, pay attention to the distance between them. The thinner your hair, the closer together the teeth should be. The thicker the hair, the sparser the teeth should be. This will allow the barrette to attach better.

5. Rounded ends. This applies to all hairpins, and especially hairpins and bobby pins. If the tips look like droplets, that's good. And if there is just an even cut on the edges, then there is a chance that you will scratch your head (Fig. 7, 8).

When choosing a hairpin, you can get confused in the variety of types and their decoration (bows, stones, beads, rhinestones, painting, etc.). It all depends on your taste. But the rules for selecting high-quality hairpins that are safe for hair and skin always remain the same. We hope that our advice will help you make a good choice.

Hair clips with metal fasteners are perhaps the most harmful. This is explained by the fact that as a result of contact of the metal with the strands, the cortex of the hair is scraped off. In addition, such products, as a rule, have quite a lot of sharp edges, and the metal fasteners squeeze the curls quite strongly, which can result in split ends and increased hair fragility.

Therefore, it is best to use hair clips made of plastic, for example, in the shape of a crab. Despite the fact that such products often look less original and beautiful, they are still more practical, convenient, and most importantly, safe for hair health.


Bobby pins are the most common and popular hair clips. They are really very convenient, especially if you need to create a hairstyle with buns, all kinds of braids, etc. But at the same time, such products can seriously injure not only the hair, but also the scalp. Of course, not everyone is able to completely abandon the use of invisible people, and this is not necessary. The main thing is that they are of high quality, smooth, without any notches on the surface (which, by the way, is often found in Chinese products) and with rounded ends. All this will protect your hair from unwanted damage.


It’s a stretch to call this option for hair accessories a full-fledged hair clip. However, hairpins are often used to create a wide variety of hairstyles. The requirements for such products are the same as for good invisible ones. First of all, you should not buy cheap hairpins for 15-20 rubles per package, otherwise you can not only significantly damage your hair, but also get more serious health problems, for example, allergic reactions.

Hair clips with a special clasp or magnet

Such accessories are absolutely safe for hair, and they are also very easy and convenient to use. The main thing is that hairpins with a special magnet or a clasp clip are not made of metal, but of softer materials such as plastic, silicone, etc.

In addition, you can decorate your hair with various wooden, bone, plastic or stone combs without sharp edges or other jagged edges, which are guaranteed not to harm the health of your hair.

For thousands of years, women have been drawing attention to their hair with various ornaments. Loose hair flowing over your shoulders, what could be more beautiful? Only hair decorated with an elegant accessory. It helps in creating your hairstyle and completes your look.
Do not neglect this wonderful opportunity - to decorate your hair and attract caring glances, especially since now there is a great variety of accessories.

You can find the accessories presented in this material in the Loksa.Rf store:

1. Flowers for hair

Today, flowers are the most popular hair decoration. What kind of flowers you won’t find on store shelves! These include elegant orchids, lush peonies, delicate daisies, luxurious roses and many, many others.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce flowers so similar to real ones that sometimes they can only be identified by touch. Although recently a new technology has appeared that gives the petals a completely realistic surface. This technology is called “Real Touch”, flowers look and feel almost indistinguishable from real ones. Roses look especially luxurious. Their petals are cool and velvety and so pleasant to touch!

Flowers can be attached either to a hairpin or clip, or to a bobby pin, crab or elastic band. Everything is your choice. You can make a beautiful ponytail with a large flower, or capture a small strand with an invisible strand with a small neat inflorescence.

Flowers can create both the image of a fatal beauty and a romantic and gentle image.

Recently, headbands completely decorated with flowers have become very popular. This is the trend of 2013. Beauties who choose such a summer accessory look the most fashionable and relevant.

2. Automatic hairpins

Let's move on from flowers to more traditional decorations, such as automatic hairpins. They perfectly hold strands of any thickness due to convenient fastening. Pay attention to the design of the hairpins: the most fashionable now are plastic hairpins with geometric patterns and unobtrusive rhinestone or metal trim. Also relevant are embossed designs, hairpins with small bows and tartan style.

3. “Click clack” hairpins

Also among hairpins, clips in the “Click Clack” style have proven themselves very well. These little metal things are a big help in keeping unruly strands in check. Now they produce clips of various colors, shapes and textures, with and without decorations. Click clack is especially often used for children's hairstyles, because they are so comfortable, bright and cheerful!

4. Invisible

Decorative bobby pins: despite their name, they do not always aim to remain invisible. Often, bobby pins are equipped with very cute decorations. If you want to look sophisticated and elegant, smooth out unruly strands and secure them with one or two bobby pins with a small, unobtrusive decoration.

5. Hair ties

I wouldn’t want to lose sight of one of the most popular accessories – a hair tie. The elastic band should not only be dense enough, but also made of a soft material that glides well through the hair. And the design of the elastic should go well with the clothes.

However, do not forget that a hair tie is one of the decorations that can create a truly stunning look! Choose from a variety of prints to match your outfit, or even better if you purchase an embellished elastic band. Jewelry can be made of plastic or metal, rhinestones, beads, ribbons and much more. Think about what image you want to create? Luxurious and sophisticated? Then an elegant metal decoration with rhinestones on a black velvet elastic band would be a good choice.

It’s easy to create a youthful and romantic look using bright and stylish plastic jewelry. Plastic is one of the latest trends. Feel free to choose jewelry using this material.

Do you want to look discreet but elegant? Choose an elastic band with an elegant print, such as polka dots.

5. Crab clips

Let's think about crab hairpins. These wonderful devices not only hold the strands perfectly, but with their help you can create very stylish hairstyles.

Alternatively, you can curl your hair using modern curlers, such as Locks, and then use one large crab to grab the curls from the sides and secure them at the back of your head. This way you get a luxurious hairstyle in just one step. Video instructions on how to curl your hair with Locks -

Smaller crabs are used to secure smaller strands.

6. Headbands

One cannot help but remember headbands, one of the most beloved and revered hair accessories. Headbands remove bangs from the forehead, structure the hairstyle, or simply serve as a very attractive decoration. These accessories are very popular with both adults and little princesses, because it’s so convenient to just put on a headband and look like the first beauty!

We call on all girls: do not choose only black simple headbands! Yes, such an accessory is necessary to create a strict business image, but there are many events in life at which you need to look elegant, bold, fiery, bright and charming! Pay attention to headbands with a small bow, flower or other decoration; choose them to suit your image and mood. And you will never go unnoticed!

In addition to all the listed accessories, I would like to draw attention to such a wonderful invention as. This simple wire thing can completely delight its owner. After all, with the help of a sophist twist you can create very interesting hairstyles, or you can use it for curling your hair or simply as a beautiful accessory.

We talked only about a small part of the accessories and trends in their use in hairstyles. Be bolder, choose a bright, seductive look!