How to avoid biting your nails: simple advice from experts. A child bites his nails: reasons

Many parents are faced with the problem of bitten nails. At first glance, this is a harmless bad habit. Not everyone struggles with this problem. They believe that over time their child will outgrow this. It is not uncommon for an adult to bite their fingernails. It is very difficult to get rid of an ingrained manner. The problem must be eradicated in childhood.


If your child bites her fingernails, people call it a “bad habit.” In psychology, it is recognized as a mental illness - onychophagia. This is a mental disorder that causes an uncontrollable desire to bite the nail plate.

Psychosomatics identifies two reasons why a child bites his nails - psychological and physiological.

Experts put psychological factors first:

  • problems in the family (thus the baby struggles with stress);
  • auto-aggression (children are afraid of conflicts and “drive away anger” on themselves);
  • adaptation to kindergarten or school;
  • weaning (children compensate for the sucking reflex);
  • behavior pattern (copies harmful behavior from friends, acquaintances, adults);
  • children bite their nails to distract themselves from another harmful habit;
  • high demands of parents (adults scold their child for the slightest offenses, punish them; the little person is afraid of disappointing mom and dad, which results in a stressful situation).

Physiological reasons:

Many psychologists have been searching for the causes of onychophagia. In his book “Love Your Illness,” Dr. Sinelnikov wrote that this is how a child shows a defensive reaction.

Dr. Natalia Volkova also paid attention to psychosomatics. In her article, she provided statistics. In her opinion, most psychosomatic diseases are a consequence of stress.

How to stop a child from biting his nails

Not all parents can cope with their child’s habit on their own. See a doctor for help. The advice of a psychologist helps answer the question of what to do.

The negative consequences of biting nails can be explained to a teenager. Evgeny Komarovsky highlights the main consequences of a bad habit:

  • short, unevenly cut nails are unsightly;
  • you can become infected with worms; dirt infected with helminth eggs collects under the nail plate;
  • If you constantly bite your nails, they will grow slowly;
  • problems with gums begin, teeth become loose;
  • the nail plate is deformed;
  • high risk of contracting viral and stomach infections.

For girls, a beautiful manicure can be an incentive not to bite their nails. Young ladies imitate adults. The nail polish will become an obstacle, because then the beautiful effect will be ruined.

When your baby starts biting his nails, you can distract him with something. Parents come up with educational games, you can make homemade things together. This will not only keep your son or daughter occupied, but will strengthen psychological contact. Parents' attention is important for children.

Since this is not just bad behavior, but a psychological illness, an experienced psychologist will help you find the cause of the behavior.

Psychologists advise that in order to get rid of a habit, you need to eliminate the factor that causes stress in the child.

The habit often appears at an early age. Psychologists say that you should not delay weaning, as children give up classes more easily than adults.

If aggressive behavior occurs, experts advise taking him to an active sports section. For example, to fight. It will help get rid of unnecessary aggression and negative emotions.

You cannot scold or punish a child for an offense. He will become even more nervous and will look for a way to calm down.

Another stress will be added to the main reason. At the age of 3, children learn what is permitted and want to realize themselves. They often go against their elders. This period shapes sociality.

At 2 years of age, the “explorer” period begins. They carefully observe those around them and try to copy the behavior of their elders. It is important to monitor your behavior so that your child does not copy adults. Pay more attention to your household, keep them busy with something interesting.

It is imperative to teach children to be independent. A common cause of stress occurs when parents take their child to kindergarten. He is left in an unfamiliar place, with strangers. They force you to follow the rules.

Children must understand that parents have their own things to do, that going to kindergarten is not only necessary, but interesting. Children need to be prepared in advance for going to kindergarten.

Traditional methods

Onychophagia is not a new disease. Your grandmothers advised how to deal with this. The most popular folk remedies are brilliant green or blue. Unsightly looking fingers can discourage biting. If the baby is 2 years old, the bright color of the fingers will only attract their attention. If ingested, these products may cause diarrhea, irritation, and other reactions.

The second method is to smear your fingers with hot spices. Small children do not like spicy and bitter foods. But there is a risk of an allergic reaction on the skin. In addition, your baby may accidentally rub his eyes. This will cause irritation of the mucous membrane, severe discomfort and another stress factor.

Another way to stop biting your nails is to trim the nail plate at the root. The baby may switch to the skin of his fingers, causing injury to himself, or begin to chew on foreign objects, such as pencils.


Before you stop your child from biting his nails, you need to understand the reason. If harmful habits are provoked by stressful situations, it is necessary to help deal with the problem. The baby needs to be given a lot of attention, at the same time taught to be independent.

You cannot scold children for actions that they do subconsciously. The best prevention from a bad habit is love and mutual understanding in the family.

The material was provided by our partner, the leading clinic of plastic surgery and cosmetology GrandMed. The clinic performs a full range of plastic surgeries on the face and body using modern techniques and advanced technologies.


Happy child 19.09.2017

Dear readers, many parents are concerned about how to stop their child from biting their fingernails. The problem is quite sensitive and unpleasant, but fortunately there are proven ways to solve it. Today on the blog we will talk about how you can wean your child from this habit. I give the floor to the presenter of the column, Anna Kutyavina.

Hello, dear readers of Irina’s blog! We are raising a difficult and controversial topic. I remember I had this problem myself as a child. Parents didn’t come up with anything they could think of to wean them off, but most often they just smeared pepper on their nails. It helped, but not for long.

Bitten nails and uneven hangnails are not only an aesthetic problem. Cracks that appear and saliva getting into them are one of the causes of serious illnesses, sometimes requiring surgical intervention. The classic situation: first the child plays in the sandbox, grabs literally everything in the street, and then puts his hands in his mouth. And this behavior is typical not only for preschool children, but also for teenagers.

A child bites his nails - what are the causes of the problem?

There is no clear answer to the question of why a child bites his nails and what is the reason. Nail biting can be caused by stress, fear (fear of punishment, answering at the board, mistakes in lessons, etc.), low self-esteem, manifestations of internal aggression, internal tension, dissatisfaction with oneself, boredom, a feeling of loneliness, and even abrupt weaning. Also, experts do not exclude physiological characteristics (fragility of nails, formation of hangnails, etc.).

According to a common hypothesis, children “gnaw out” negative emotions. According to psychoanalysts, a child who chews his nails is going through one of the stages of personality development and is locked into a certain set of emotions. The same combination of experiences can later push one to smoke. In some cases, the reasons for this habit are immediately visible. In others, even child psychologists shrug their shoulders.

Doctors' opinion

In medicine, biting and eating nails is defined as a disease called onychophagia. If the nails are cut, the child will bite the skin of the fingers. This phenomenon was called dermatophagy. Doctors cannot answer the question about the appearance of the disorder unambiguously. According to experts, they are affected by: physical satisfaction from the process, improper or irregular care of the cuticle, neuroses, as well as worms, diseases of the nerves, blood vessels and heart, lack of protein, phosphorus or magnesium.

Similar phenomena are observed in animals: pigs chew their hooves when there is a lack of minerals, dogs and rabbits literally chew their paws when there is a lack of sunlight. Similar mechanisms for the development of the disorder in children have not been studied, but they cannot be completely discarded.

What if you just don't pay attention?

After all, the child is not bothered by the process, rather the opposite. And the parents will be calmer, they will stop being nervous and yelling at the child over trifles.

The well-known pediatrician, a doctor of the highest category, Komarovsky warns: this tendency in a child cannot be ignored. She reports deep-seated problems that in adult life manifest themselves in isolation, inability to get a job, and early arthritis in her hands. Children's teeth and mouth may suffer.

Let's watch a video about bad habits from Dr. Komarovsky.


A child bites his nails - what to do?

We have found that the problem may arise due to medical or physiological factors. The former are easier to identify, but the latter cannot be excluded either. The algorithm is approximately the following.

Making your home a pleasant and safe place for your child

First, create a calm environment at home. Before causing another scandal to your husband or wife, it is better to count to twenty. If your child has made a mischief, slowly count to two hundred, drop the blame, and silently deal with the consequences. Then do something fun with the whole family. This is a fundamentally important step to create a sense of security in the child.

Reconsider how you support your child. Maybe right now he lacks your participation in business and help. Remember: it is vitally important for a child, especially one who is passionate about a task, to achieve the task. So help me with specific advice, try to do it together.

Teach your child to relieve stress in an accessible and safe way. Perhaps this is not accepted in the family, then you need to find a suitable way. You can use the Japanese method and beat a punching bag with a photo of the offender on it, use wushu breathing exercises. You can give kids a toy in their hands, ask them to squeeze it as they exhale and release it as they inhale. Invite the student to finger the rosary and twirl the “enchanted” coin.

Taking the child to the doctor

At the same time, visit a therapist with your child and take a referral for tests for worm eggs. The whole family will need research. Together with your child, get tested for the sensitivity of skin microbes and fungi to medications. Excessive activity of microorganisms may be one of the causes of nail biting.

Connecting creativity

It is also good to use art therapy techniques. Ask your child to draw a picture of a school, a lesson, a change in colors. An abundance of disproportionate figures, dark tones, sharp corners, and distorted perspective may be signs of a problem.

Do not try to solve it with the help of a school child psychologist: a specialist has little time and completely different tasks. But you need to consult a child psychologist from an organization working with the younger generation. For the first time, come yourself, tell us about the problem, show a drawing. The specialist will set a date and time for the session.

Write a fairy tale to your child. I will not tire of repeating that fairy tales have the best effect on young children. You can choose ready-made versions of psychocorrective fairy tales to wean a child from the habit of biting his nails, or you can write a story yourself with a simple plot: how a squirrel or a bunny learned some new useful action (for example, drawing) instead of the old one. In the practice of my colleague, there was a case of successful and quick recovery from an addiction with the help of such a fairy tale.

More positivity and warm communication!

Communicate more, more often with your child. Hug, return to friendly contact more often. This “medicine” applies to all diseases.
Physical education also helps to process negative emotions. The methods depend on the child’s workload: sports section, morning exercises or jogging, a set of breathing exercises.

Determine exactly when the child started biting his nails: between a few days and a couple of months passes between the unwanted behavior and the parents’ awareness of it. Write down the date you first bit your nails. Remember the events of the previous week, write them down and arrange them in chronological order. Think about what could cause the unwanted behavior?

Saturate your son or daughter with positive information about the world: arrange a weekend tour, go to museums. Teenagers can (and should) attend a concert of classic rock, techno, and symphonic music. Engage in modeling, drawing, and handicrafts with your son. Be sure to review your daily routine: children need more sleep and at least 2 hours of play.

Rules for the whole family to follow

The painful situation imposes a number of serious restrictions on the family. Some are easy to comply with, while others will require a lot of effort. Parents and other adults living with children are prohibited from:

  • scold and punish a child for biting his nails. This is the same as punishing for a migraine attack or reprimanding for gastritis;
  • bite your own nails. Especially in the presence of children. It is absolutely incomprehensible to a child why he cannot do what adults can;
  • create scandals and create a tense environment.

Folk ways to stop a child from biting his nails

Trim to the root

Accumulated traditions reduce nail biting to purely aesthetic moments. When asked what to do if a child bites his nails, they advise cutting the nails to the root. There was nothing to grab. For physiological difficulties with nail plates, the method is truly effective. However, often the child then begins to chew the skin of his fingers, pencils and pens.

Get a beautiful manicure

Another option is to get a beautiful manicure on Friday evening. The approach is used for girls. According to popular belief, the time at the end of the work week, from sunset to bedtime, is the best time to strengthen nails. And the little lady would simply be sorry to spoil the beauty of her unexpectedly transformed hands. To be fair, it should be noted that sometimes this approach pays off.

Put something sharp on your fingers

A radical measure is to smear your fingers with mustard, red pepper, and chili sauce. Unknown authors believe that once or twice the baby will encounter bitterness and forget about the unpleasant habit.

However, bitterness greatly irritates children's skin, is absorbed through the epidermis and can cause severe disorders in the functioning of internal organs, and even leaves severe burns in the mouth. And this is not to mention what kind of attitude you demonstrate towards your own children.

Application of dyes

Some traditional healers also advise dousing your nails with brilliant green, medical blue, phenolphthalein or other “harmless” dye. According to adherents of the method, if the child is not scared off by the sight of fingers, then colored spots of different freshness on the face will definitely wean him from biting his nails.

Dye stains do not bother young children at all. They may notice that they are dirty only after a comment from mom or dad. And the habit of biting your nails turns out to be stronger than the desire to please your parents and stay clean.

We must not forget about the medicinal effect of dyes. Zelenka not only burns the skin, but also damages the mucous membrane of the mouth. And in combination with gastric juice it forms carcinogens. Phenolphthalein is known in medicine under another name - purgen. Long-term (more than five days) ingestion of it in the stomach leads to chronic diarrhea. Attacks of the disease are provoked by solid food. Often children prefer to remain silent about such effects of forced weaning.

Medical (methylene) blue, when ingested, is quickly absorbed, leading to blurred vision and decreased mental activity.

Alas, there is no folk remedy for the habit of biting nails without harmful effects and with absolute effectiveness. So if you want more benefit than harm from weaning yourself from this habit, it is better to resort to other methods.

Good luck to you in this difficult but important task!

Anna Kutyavina,
psychologist, storyteller,
owner of the site Fairy Tale World,
author of the book of fairy tales for adults Piggy Bank of Wishes

I thank Anya for talking about how you can stop children from biting their nails. I think many people have experienced this. And, of course, it is better to know how to behave correctly in the presence of such problems. After all, the point here is really not the child’s whims, not his desire to do something out of spite, but precisely the fact that he has encountered some difficulties and most likely needs help. And it is very important to provide this assistance in a timely manner.

And to get you in the mood, I suggest watching a cartoon with your children.

  • Today I have another case from my life and it concerns a bad habit that is sometimes developed in children and adults. My middle son was “infected” with this scourge in kindergarten, and, worst of all, passed it on to his daughter. I must say that at that time I had absolutely no idea what to do if a child bites his nails. I read smart books, listened to a lot of “authoritative” advice from experienced mothers, but the result was zero, and the advice, I must admit, was sometimes simply surprising.

    Tip #1. Is your child biting his nails? See a psychologist!

    In good books for mothers they wrote that you need to take the child to a psychologist - they say that the baby may have psychological trauma and this way he calms the nervous system. I thought - the child is cheerful and cheerful, plays well, sleeps soundly... What kind of injury? I asked my baby in detail and it turned out that he just... likes it. Many of his friends in the group do this, and he didn’t know that biting his nails was bad...

    In general, I dismissed the psychologist - it was not a nervous reaction of the child, but just a repetition of what he saw, which turned out to be quite pleasant. Here was the clue: if the child finds such an activity enjoyable, then you need to convince him otherwise, and words and persuasion are unlikely to help here. Prohibiting and threatening is also not an option - this would only strengthen my son’s persistence in biting his nails “at his leisure.” And here the advice of “experienced” ones came to the rescue - experienced mothers who did not do this themselves, but heard...

    Tip #2. Smear your nails with...muck

    What they didn’t advise me! Sprinkle your fingers with hot pepper, dip in mustard powder, wash your hands with any liquid antibiotic (it tastes very bitter) and the like. They also advised me to buy a special varnish at the pharmacy, which has such a nasty taste that the child will probably look at his hands with disgust.

    I thought about my children... Little toddlers crying from a terrible soreness and burning sensation due to pepper or mustard - is this really what I want? And the use of an antibiotic is unlikely to improve the health of the children; I don’t particularly favor medications at all. Special varnish, what is its composition? At that time, 11 years ago, in city pharmacies there was only an imported similar product with instructions in Chinese.

    But I still found a solution - quickly and unexpectedly.

    A child bites his nails, what to do: a simple method

    At that time, I actively treated and used ordinary aloe. Once again, while smearing the roots of my hair with a succulent leaf, I accidentally ran my finger over my lips. A very bitter taste appeared in my mouth, which grew with every second. And how did I forget that aloe juice is so bitter? Then it dawned on me - of course! Here it is, the cure!

    I looked at the huge flower that has been growing here since time immemorial. Truly, this plant is unique. How many times has an aloe leaf treated my children’s deep scratches and cuts, saved them from bronchitis and pneumonia, how many times have I treated inflammation on the skin with its juice, restored the thickness of their hair and put their health in order. And if I don’t know what to do when a child bites his nails, why not use this wonderful remedy!

    For a week, I lubricated the children’s nails three times a day with an aloe leaf, cut lengthwise. To set an example for the kids, I first demonstratively lubricated my fingers and only then proceeded to touch the little ones.

    Along the way, I very convincingly, but without pressure, otherwise the children would smell the falsehood, told a story about poor little fingers who need help. I remember I composed a whole fairy tale, and the kids listened in one breath, and then retold it in kindergarten. Here every mother can turn on her imagination and come up with a story that can touch the emotions of children. I succeeded, which was 90% success.

    Important point

    There is one important point: if the child attends kindergarten or primary school, he needs to be left at home, at least for the first three days of treatment, and the mother should stay too.

    Firstly, the baby will be shocked by the unusual bitter taste - he may cry, get nervous, get upset and behave inappropriately. It is unlikely that the teacher will tinker with one child and calm him down. At school, even more so - teachers are not nannies, and there is no place for a child’s whims in the classroom.

    Secondly, the mother can always captivate the child with some activity so that he forgets about the bitter taste of his fingers. It’s also good to prepare healthy sweets in advance - dried apricots, dates, maybe even your baby’s favorite sweets (1-2 pieces). The sweet taste will help the child quickly get used to the new situation and not make a tragedy out of what is happening.

    Thirdly, at home it is much easier to monitor the child and apply the medicine. After all, after each hand washing with soap, the aloe juice is washed off by half, and the baby can bite his nails with pleasure again.

    I had 4 full days left. I took two days off from work (Monday, Tuesday), and started treatment on Saturday morning. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, our beloved grandmother, my mother, came to the rescue. The main burden fell on the first three days, and then it was much easier.

    After that, I talked to parents of children who bit their nails in kindergarten. It turned out that many had already visited a psychologist, but the result was not visible. In principle, the parents of three out of five children took my advice - they cured their children from this scourge.

    The habit of biting nails in adults: how to get rid of it

    Quite often, the habit of biting nails is also present in adults. I had an employee at work who had this problem. Svetlana’s nails were in a deplorable state - the plates were nibbled almost to the inner skin and there were constant hangnails on the periungual skin. It was a shame to show such hands, and Sveta stubbornly hid them under the table. She admitted to me that she looks with envy at the beautiful manicures of her co-workers, but is not able to grow beautiful, even nails, because she bites them “automatically”, without even noticing.

    I advised Svetlana my proven method - lubricating the cuticles with aloe juice, but difficulties arose. My friend didn’t have this plant and we agreed that my home bush would serve her too. Every day I brought Sveta a fresh leaf, and she carefully lubricated her nails. But adults are not children, and the treatment took a little longer... Then I rightly decided that my dear flower would not survive such a long execution and came up with a new method.

    I advised Svetlana to buy a pack of dry wormwood at the pharmacy and make an infusion. When it cools down, simply dip a cotton swab into the liquid and lubricate your nails several times a day. And then, as they say, “the ice broke.” Wormwood turned out to be an excellent remedy - affordable, easy to prepare and very effective!

    Pour 1 teaspoon of dry wormwood with half a glass of boiling water, leave until cool and strain. You can use it for a day, then make a new infusion.

    Svetlana said that she placed a bowl of infusion near the washbasin and very often simply dipped her fingers into the bitter liquid. She liked it even better, because suddenly her nails became shiny, strong and grew quite quickly.

    On my own behalf, I would like to add that you should not dip your fingertips in wormwood infusion before cooking. And in general, before contact with products, otherwise they will all be bitter. Otherwise, such a simple treatment has helped more than one adult get rid of the habit of biting their nails.

    Health to everyone!

    Three times mother Irina Lirnetskaya

    Like many adults, children also suffer from bad habits. The most common habit among children is merciless nail biting. At first glance, there is nothing fatal in this habit, but if it is discovered, the necessary measures should be taken immediately.

    Reasons why children bite their nails

    The habit of constantly and actively biting your nails is such a common phenomenon today that it has even found its place in the list of scientific terms. This habit is called -"onychophagia".

    Doctors conducted observations and found that about 30% of children aged 6 to 10 years suffer from onychophagia. Boys are more susceptible to this habit than girls. Between the ages of 10 and 17 years, the percentage of children who bite their nails increases to 50%. This is exactly the age when frequent changes occur in life, relationships with parents and friends are far from ideal, and the workload at school increases. But such a habit also arises due to a number of other reasons, which we will consider below.

    • Stress and neuroses

    The desire to bite your nails appears during stress and neurosis. The causes of stress can be disagreements with parents and peers, increased mental stress, lack of sleep, or simple dissatisfaction with oneself. Neuroses can occur due to diseases of the cardiovascular system or from a lack of vitamins E, B and magnesium.

    • Bad example

    The child is inclined to imitate everything he sees. Perhaps one of your close friends or relatives also suffers from this bad habit.

    • From finger to nail
    • Poor hygiene

    Failure to trim your child’s nails in a timely manner may also be a cause. If the nail plates are weak, then they grow quite a bit and begin to break and peel. This begins to cause inconvenience to the child. Then he takes his own measures - he bites them off.

    • Excessive inhibitions and idleness

    If a child is denied many pleasures, for example, forbidden to eat sweets, then he will try to replace this by biting his nails. This activity has a calming effect on him and distracts him from the annoying feeling. In the same way, your child can relieve himself of boredom. Therefore, make sure that he does not wander around idle. Find him something interesting and useful to do.

    • Negative influence of technology

    Do not let your child sit for a long time in front of the TV and computer. Not all television programs are good for a child, and not all computer games are useful. The child absorbs all the negativity that flows from the media. Modern computer games are filled with brutal fight scenes. Select cartoons (), programs and games that would have a positive and creative effect on the child’s psyche.

    • Changing the usual rhythm of life

    Until the age of three, the child is constantly under the supervision of his parents. But the time comes to go to kindergarten. Mom and dad are no longer around, there is a need to somehow adapt to society, and this is already stress (). At the age of 6-7 years, a first-grader is taken to school. And here comes the period of adaptation again. Psychologically, such changes do not pass without a trace.

    The habit of biting nails is a neurotic reaction similar to thumb sucking or tics. Schoolchildren suffer from this disorder more often than children, because they experience great physical and emotional stress. In this way, the child tries to cope with stress, anxiety, and excitement. If parents, instead of looking for a reason, scold and constantly reprimand their son or daughter, the situation only gets worse. A vicious circle arises: anxiety leads to the habit of biting nails, ugly hands anger parents, as a result, the baby’s nervous tension increases, and self-esteem drops even lower. Often this problem is coupled with other disorders of the nervous system: increased excitability, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (up to 75% of children with ADHD bite their nails), enuresis. And the physical consequences can be helminthic infestations, inflammation of the periungual tissues, periodontitis, up to exposure of the neck of the tooth. So the child definitely needs help. There is no special medicine for children who bite their nails - bitter pharmaceutical varnishes do not always help and often only take the problem into another direction. But sometimes doctors prescribe mild sedatives and nootropic drugs in such cases

    Consequences of habit

    • Reflex development

    Place a bracelet on your child's hand. As soon as he reaches his hand to his mouth, click the bracelet on his hand. This way of fighting the habit will bear fruit. Although to some it may seem cruel.

    If a child does not get rid of a bad habit, it makes sense to contact a child psychologist. Tips for eliminating it, which are most often recommended by experts, are given below.

    • Don't criticize

    Don't scold or yell at your baby. Such increased attention to a child's habit can only aggravate the situation; the child will become nervous, and his hands will again reach into his mouth. Not to mention that children are inclined to go against the grain out of harm, protesting against prohibitions. Therefore, you should explain to the child that this is a bad habit using other methods - without negativity, without prohibitions and reprimands. Look for the most appropriate, effective method and use it from the position of a loving and caring parent, and not a Cerberus who is annoyed by this “nasty habit.”

    • Be patient

    Understand that it is as difficult for a child to overcome this habit as it is for an adult to quit smoking. Remember: a categorical ban only causes rejection and protest! For your child to hear and understand you, find the right motivation. For example, if a child refuses porridge, then tell him: “It’s healthy!” - it's just pointless. But the phrase “You will eat porridge, and you will become strong and muscular, like dad” - will work much faster.

    • Drawing lesson

    If you can't figure out what area your child is having problems in, ask him to draw a picture. Let the picture contain images of family, friends, school and others. Those areas of life that are painted in dark colors are problematic.

    • Danger of infection
    • Sports activities

    Enroll your child in some sports section. Playing sports will help relieve nervous tension and throw out negativity without causing harm to those around you.

    • Fairy tale therapy

    Tell your child a fairy tale of your own composition, in which there will be two heroes: negative and positive. The negative hero behaves badly, does not take care of himself and bites his nails, while the positive one is very kind, cheerful and neat. A positive character has many friends, but no one wants to communicate with a negative one. This method has a good effect on the baby’s consciousness.

    • Give your child more attention

    Like all bad habits in children, nail biting is a consequence of neurosis and lack of tactile contact with loved ones and parents. Our son (5 years old) started biting his nails when our youngest child arrived. Naturally, he received less attention - all his worries were about the younger one. We went to a psychologist, and she pointed out our omission. Advice: pay more attention to the child, more hugs and kisses, praise and care. And not a single bad habit will stick to your baby! Author: Valkyrie

    • Sedatives

    Before going to bed, give a weak infusion of chamomile, lemon balm or mint to drink. You can offer warm milk with honey. It will also have a calming effect. Place a couple of drops of calming essential oil next to your child's bed. Do not give homeopathic medicines to your child without consulting a doctor.

    • Contact a neurologist

    If there are serious mental disorders, or all previous methods are powerless, visit a neurologist. He will recommend sedatives, herbal teas or a vitamin complex. If a disease of the nervous system is suspected, the doctor will prescribe neurosonography and prescribe medications based on the examination results. A stool test for the presence of helminths and a cardiogram if cardiovascular disease is suspected may also be required.

    Using bitter varnish

    Since this problem is well-known, a special bitter varnish has appeared to eliminate it, which can be bought at the pharmacy. For example: “Don’t bite”, “No bite”, “BELWEDER”. The bitter taste discourages children from biting their nails, and the composition of the varnish is not harmful to health. But varnish alone is not enough to eliminate the problem. Always remember the reason for the habit.

    Renew your polish every three days. If there are concerns that the varnish contains harmful substances, you can use mustard, agave juice or hot pepper. But remember that a child’s fingers can get into not only his mouth, but also his eyes. The sensations after this will be more than unpleasant. A safer method would be to apply a patch to your nails.

    Nail polish Princess “Nekusayka”
    REVIEW: The varnish is intended for children who bite their nails to get rid of this bad habit. I bought this polish for my daughter. Of course, I tried it on myself first. The taste is really very bitter, if you try it once you will immediately pull your finger out of your mouth. The taste remains on the lips after the nail has been in the mouth, and then you can feel it if you immediately want to eat something.
    So the varnish is really effective. Helped us cope with our daughter's nasty habit. It’s convenient that it’s colorless, so it’s almost invisible on the nails. Can also be used by an adult.
    The annotation states that the varnish is safe for children’s nails and contains vitamin A, which prevents nail destruction.
    The taste lasts less than a day, so every day you need to tint it again.
    I didn’t even use the whole jar right away; I opened it after 3 months and the varnish had thickened greatly.

    Victoria: We bought a special transparent nail polish, it’s called “Don’t bite!” , and a baby is drawn on it. It is safe for a child, but as soon as he puts his fingers in his mouth, an unpleasant bitterness immediately appears. A very effective remedy! Costs about 300 rubles. It helped us.

    Ksyusha: If you paint it with varnish, it sits and gnaws even more, although it’s terribly bitter! And in the salon they drew airplanes on my nails and said you can’t eat such beauty... After a while I stopped completely.

    Guest:And my nails didn’t bite, but tore them off, picked them up and tore them off in strips, this is even worse than biting them! My nails were constantly sore and it was like that for about six months, I just didn’t know what to do, and then the decision came by itself. She hit her finger and it turned black, such a black dot appeared and a vessel under the nail burst. I (the good mother) thought of saying that the nails began to turn black because my daughter constantly picks at them, and they will become even blacker and fall off completely over time, but she is a little princess, princesses cannot live without nails. 🙂 You know how it whispered. Try it really with a beautiful manicure in the salon, tell your daughter that she is beautiful and her nails should also be beautiful, and as an option (the stump is clear, you don’t need to beat off the child’s fingers) try experimenting with black varnish. It seems to me that this is more harmless than bitter varnish, especially, remember for yourself, the more they forbid, the more you want)) And also, bullshit, that such a habit is a consequence of neurosis, not always, initially it can arise from the fact that the child there is nothing to do, mine did this before bed, when the lights are turned off, but I still don’t want to sleep.

    Katya - Katerina: Do not smear anything under any circumstances!!! It's nerve-wracking, I'm telling you for sure. My son bit his nails for a very long time - I was busy with work and paid little attention to him, then there were problems in the kindergarten in the last year, and when I went on maternity leave and my son almost stopped going to kindergarten - gradually everything got better and he stopped biting his nails. Look for the cause of the child's nervousness. Now my son has gone to school, sometimes I notice his fingers in his mouth again, but his nails are still fine, I keep an eye on him... And then I didn’t cut his nails for more than a year... there was nothing to cut. You know your child like no one else, you must understand what is happening to him... Good luck to you, it will not be easy.

    natka: my daughter also bit her nails, you take Levomiticin tablets, crush 2 tablets in a glass of water and put the child’s nails in the solution and let it dry. I did this a couple of times and now she doesn’t chew.

    And finally, spend more time on your baby, wrap him in care, love and affection. Spend more time playing entertaining games, go for walks with the whole family, create a cozy and pleasant atmosphere in your home. Don't ignore children's habits, but look for ways to deal with them. Be attentive to yourself and your children.

    READ ALSO: Harmful and bad habits in children under one year old - and are they really that bad?

    Union of Pediatricians of Russia

    Childhood territory. Child bites nails

    Often parents are faced with a problem that has a considerable psychological component, called “onychophagia.” It is believed that this is a minor childhood habit of constantly biting fingernails.

    But in fact, psychologists believe that it can affect almost every second person, both adults and children. But why children bite their fingernails, the reasons for this should be considered together with specialists.

    Often this the problem is found in children aged 3-4 years, as well as in adolescents. Scientists are constantly developing and developing new ways to treat this disease. There are specialized centers and institutes around the world that help identify the reasons why children bite their fingernails.

    Why do children bite their fingernails? The causes of onychophagia (nail biting according to medical terminology) are usually psychological

    This disease is considered relatively dangerous, because it is a sign of mental problems such as:

    • strong emotional stress;
    • inability to cope with difficulties;
    • the need to make changes in life.

    Also there is a danger:

    According to statistical data collected in different parts of the world, It is children who are susceptible to the problem.. By age 3, children develop a sucking reflex, some by age 4. A habit develops, which subsequently manifests itself in stressful situations or during mental agitation.

    The habit of biting nails in childhood can continue into adulthood.

    Reasons why children bite their nails

    The disease occurs due to the appearance of problems in a child’s life that he cannot cope with on his own. This may often not be expressed outwardly, but in the child’s soul there is strong tension.

    Psychologists say that onychophagia is an unusual way of punishing oneself, which is expressed in biting nails and the skin around them. In this way, the child tries to cope with the nerves and feelings that bother him.

    Physiological reasons

    Onychophagia can be caused by physiological reasons:

    • Tendency to neuroses- this is why children bite their fingernails and the reasons for this may be hidden in a hereditary factor. In this case, a specialist can help.

    Depressions and neuroses that encourage children to bite their nails require the participation of a specialist
    • Depressive state. Depression in modern children is not uncommon. Anything can cause this. A child psychologist will help you find the root of the problem.
    • Increased excitability of the nervous system. Excessive excitability of a child can harm not only the nails, but also the mental and physical state of the child. Such children are more mobile, which can lead to injuries.
    • Avitaminosis. You can cope with this problem by contacting a specialist who will help you understand what exactly is missing in a child’s or adolescent’s body.
    • Diseases of the nervous system. The activity of the nervous system is responsible for the functioning of the entire body. Nerve endings provide sensitivity and the ability to move.

    Any childhood illness can affect the baby’s nervous system. And this can already lead to more serious consequences: problems with breathing and circulation, brain damage.

    • Cardiovascular diseases. Diseases of this type can be either congenital or acquired. An infection can trigger the disease.

    When biting your nails, there is a high probability of introducing an infection into the body. The disease can also be transmitted from the mother.

    Sometimes parents care and love their children so much that they are ready to allow them to eat anything. Poor nutrition leads to either weight loss or excessive obesity.

    • Early weaning from breastfeeding. Sometimes newborn babies are not breastfed at all, but are immediately switched to a bottle and various formulas. This can harm a growing body.

    Babies begin to mechanically suck their fingers, and then even chew them. Doctors advise weaning a child from breastfeeding at the age of 12-18 months.

    Social and psychological reasons

    In addition to physiological ones, there are also socio-psychological problems that are no less important.

    An unhealthy psychological climate in the family - for example, quarrels and conflicts between loved ones - is often the reason why a child bites his nails

    Social and psychological problems:

    • Family situation. It is not always quarrels and conflicts in the family that lead to mental disorders.

    Sometimes this can even be caused by the grandmother’s ordinary complaints about poor health or parents’ aggression towards the political situation in the country. Children take even the slightest problems too seriously.

    • Stress. Stressful situations make children and adolescents nervous and worried, which leads to onychophagia.
    • Experienced fright. Often it is fear that leads to mental problems. Every time a child remembers a fright he experienced, he looks for a way to cope with his feelings.
    • The problem of adaptation in society. It is often difficult for a child to make friends with others, so moving or changing schools or kindergartens can have a negative impact on his condition.

    Lack of friends and conflicts with peers also provoke onychophagia in children. An excessively large workload leads to severe fatigue and lack of sleep, which causes irritability.
  • For this reason You should not load your child with other activities if it is difficult for him to cope with the school load.

    • Having an example. If there is someone around a child or teenager who bites their nails, then there is a high probability that he will start doing so too. Children repeat the behavior of their parents and peers on a subconscious level.
    • Wrong diet. If the diet is not followed, the baby uncontrollably consumes junk food. This increases the emotionality of the nervous system and reduces self-control.
    • Wrong daily routine. The situation should not be allowed to worsen the child’s sleep pattern. Constantly spending time in front of the TV and computer can lead to this.

    This negatively affects the psyche of both the child and the teenager. In this condition, the child may try to relieve tension by chewing his nails and the skin around the nails.

    Low self-esteem, which is also formed due to constant reproaches and dissatisfaction from parents, is another reason why children bite their nails
    • Low self-esteem. Low self-esteem is not uncommon among young children and adolescents. This may be caused by parents. Some set difficult, sometimes even unrealistic goals for their children that the child must achieve.

    At the same time, the baby finds himself in a situation in which it is difficult for him to cope on his own. Parents prefer not to praise, but only to point out mistakes. Therefore, children begin to reproach themselves with all their might and gnaw at themselves from the inside. In the process of this, onychophagy appears.

    There may be other reasons, but more often such problems arise due to the close environment. The child is unable to cope with the problem on his own, so the habit persists throughout his life.

    Fighting the reasons why children bite their nails

    If onychophagia is detected, you must immediately contact a specialist. It will be more effective if you combine psychological assistance with the help of parents.

    Parents' work

    Parents' actions may be as follows:

    • It is necessary to instill in your child that biting nails is very harmful. It is worth demonstrating the presence of various microorganisms not only under the nails, but also on the fingers themselves.

    Sometimes this method is ineffective, since some children are not afraid of the sight of germs. They keep biting their nails.

    • Nails can be coated with a special bitter varnish or pepper. However, few children stop biting their nails. The rest get used to the bitterness and continue to bite their fingers.
    • Some parents ask friends, relatives and teachers at school to hit their child's hands when he puts them in his mouth.

    Hitting children on the hands when they bite their nails is unacceptable and will only make the situation worse.

    The habit not only harms your health, but also distracts you from your studies.

    • Children are always bought something edible that they can chew on, while forgetting about their nails. But this method is not suitable for school; it will only distract from classes.
    • Some parents try to talk to their children, explain to them what a bad habit can lead to. Show photos and videos.

    There have been cases when a child or teenager ate the entire nail plate within 3-6 months. Some children understand the dangers of the habit and stop biting their nails.

    Psychologist's work

    Consultation and assistance from a psychologist is no less important. Here what psychologists advise:

    It is forbidden to scold a child for biting his fingernails. There are many reasons why they do this. You should also not hit your hands or smear your nails and fingers with sharp and bitter substances.

    • It is necessary to talk with your child face to face and explain what problems may arise due to nail biting. Onychophagia can cause serious problems and diseases.
    • It is very important that the child follows a sleep and eating schedule.
    • It wouldn’t hurt to encourage your baby to develop fine motor skills. For example, drawing, modeling, games, and musical instruments are welcome.

    Developing fine motor skills will distract your child from biting his nails
    • You need to learn to wash your hands regularly.
    • The family should have a calm environment both at home and in public places.
    • It is necessary to allow the child to express any emotions, they can be positive and negative.
    • You should discuss the problems that arise in the baby’s life and try to give the right advice.

    If a child is afraid to show his feelings, you can resort to drawings through which he will show his inner state. This is what will help to identify the reason why a child bites his nails and get rid of it.

    It is important in the fight against onychophagia - not to put pressure on the child, but to try with all your might to help him, to find out why children bite their nails, to find the reasons for this in a particular case. Help is needed not only from the child or teenager’s immediate circle, but also from a specialist in the person of a psychologist.

    Why children and adults bite their fingernails - the reasons in this video:

    How to stop a child from biting his nails - medical recommendations: